Season 1 (1987)

Four Warriors Come Out of the Sky (1)

July 2, 1987

In the year 2011, the Decepticons are back, and they've got added power in the form of the newest addition to the Transformers' war—Headmasters!

The Mystery of Planet Master (2)

July 9, 1987

After learning of the origins of the Headmasters and the planet Master, the Autobots race to recover the missing Matrix.

Birth of Double Convoy! (3)

July 16, 1987

With the missing Matrix recovered, the race it on to return to Cybertron and secure the Autobots' control of the planet.

Operation: Cassette

July 23, 1987

The Destrons manage to put Soundwave back together after his struggle with Blaster and rename him Soundblaster. Back on Earth, Six...Read more

Rebellion on Planet Beast

July 30, 1987

The Cybertron Headmasters, flying around in Fortress' ship in space, pick up a couple creatures wearing exo-suits who are badly in...Read more

Approach of the Demon Meteorite

August 6, 1987

The Aerialbots, patrolling in outer space, pick up a large meteorite, which possesses some strange powers, heading toward the Eart...Read more

The Four Million Year Old Veil of Mystery

August 27, 1987

A shadowy figure approaches Galvatron with a plan to defeat the Cybertons once and for all. At the Cybertron base, Arcee receive...Read more

Terror of the Six Shadows

September 3, 1987

At the Cybertron base, the transmission of a rock concert is interrupted by shadowy figure who threatens to destroy cities unless ...Read more

Seibertron is in Grave Danger (1)

September 4, 1987

On Seibertron, once again at peace thanks to Vector Sigma, a new compound has been created called Seibertonuron which is many time...Read more

Seibertron is in Grave Danger (2)

September 11, 1987

The Predacons are confronted by the Trainbots as Guardian knocks out Bruticus. The Cybertrons continue to plan a way to stop Galva...Read more

Scorponok, The Shadow Emperor

September 18, 1987

Arcee, Daniel and Wheelie stare off into the sunset, recalling how their home had been destroyed by the Destrons. Fortress and Spi...Read more

The Dormant Volcano Mysteriously Erupts

September 25, 1987

While Ultra Magnus and Scattershot are investigating some strange seismic activity in Peru, the Cybertron Headmasters send Steelja...Read more

Head On, Fortress Maximus

October 2, 1987

In the city of San Francisco, a giant man-eating plant suddenly springs from underground, causing mass hysteria and major damage. ...Read more

Explosion on Mars!! Maximus is in Danger! (1)

October 9, 1987

The Destrons plan to blow up Mars by causing simultaneous explosions at its northern and southern poles. Meanwhile, on the planet...Read more

Explosion on Mars!! Megazarak Appears! (2)

October 16, 1987

As Fortress attempts to transform Fortress Maximus, he gets hit by a plasma blast and loses his super energy needed to transform....Read more

The Return of the Immortal Emperor

November 20, 1987

Thanks to Megazarak, Mars has now been destroyed and the Cybertron Headmasters are angry that they failed to stop him. Meanwhile, ...Read more

SOS From Planet Sandra

November 27, 1987

At the Destron base, Cyclonus and Scourge pick up an SOS from the planet Sandra and report it to Galvatron. The Cybertrons also re...Read more

Daniel's Biggest Pinch Ever!!

December 4, 1987

On Chaar, the Decepticons detect a pair of incoming craft and attack, but are surprised when the newcomers are revealed to be Dece...Read more

Battle to the Death on the Beehive Planet

December 11, 1987

Galvatron continues his search for more energy in deep space, unknowingly followed by the Cybertrons. He detects some on a planet...Read more

Tide-Turning Battle on the False Planet

December 18, 1987

Galvatron leads the Destrons toward the twin planets of Sperity and Toluin, intent on draining their energy. The Cybertrons contin...Read more

Find Megazarak's Weak Spot

December 18, 1987

The Cybertrons pick up an SOS from the exile planet Dallos and head there to investigate. The Headmasters move out to investigate ...Read more

Head Formation of Friendship

December 18, 1987

The Cybertron Headmasters continue their search for the Destrons, but are forced to put the hunt on hold by a sudden alarm, indica...Read more

Mystery of the Space Pirate Ship

December 25, 1987

The Destron clones, Pounce and Wingspan, battle the Cybertron clones, Fastlane and Cloudraker, on a pirate planet over possession ...Read more

The Death of Ultra Magnus (1)

January 22, 1988

A quiet night at the Cybertron earth base is interrupted as the Destron Headmasters attack and take over the outpost. The Cybertro...Read more

The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg (2)

January 29, 1988

Sixshot continues to organize the Destron troops on Earth, sending out Bruticus, Menasor, Abominus, and the Horrorcons to assault ...Read more

I Risk My Life for Earth

February 5, 1988

With Galvatron finally destroyed in the Antarctic, Scorponok took over as Destron emperor, pledging to avenge Galvatron's death. S...Read more

The Miracle Warriors- The Targetmasters (1)

February 12, 1988

After the defeat, the Destrons depart Earth, heading into deep space, but the Cybertrons realize that there are still some remna...Read more

The Miracle Warriors- The Targetmaster (2)

February 19, 1988

In the aftermath of the explosion, the Destrons disappeared and Chromedome return Pointblank, Sureshot and Crosshairs back to Fort...Read more

The Master Sword is in Danger

February 26, 1988

The Destrons have holed up underneath the planet where they start the production of their new metal, called ""G Metal"" which has ...Read more

The Zarak Shield Turns the Tide

March 4, 1988

The Cybertrons can find no trace of the Destrons on Master after the loss of the disk. The Destrons have headed toward an astero...Read more

Operation: Destroy the Destrons

March 11, 1988

The Cybertrons work on repairing Fortress' ship after the bomb while Chromedome, after learning about the completion of the Zara...Read more

My Friend Sixshot!

March 18, 1988

As the Cybertrons are flying around in space, searching for the Destrons, Daniel gets accidentally separated from Wheelie and lock...Read more

Duel on the Asteroid

March 25, 1988

Daniel is still a little despondent over Sixshot's departure, after what they went through on Diamond. Scorponok heads toward an a...Read more

The Final Showdown on Earth (1)

April 25, 1988

At a speech on earth, something emerges from under the ground - a huge rocket, along with the Destron clones, who send a satelli...Read more

The Final Showdown on Earth (2)

March 25, 1988

The Cybertrons try to figure out where Megazarak is and what he's trying to accomplish and get a break when Punch reports in to Fo...Read more