Season 4 (1981)

Muvver's Day

June 12, 1981

After being driven out of the village baby contest Worzel decides he wants his mum. The only person who can help him is the Crowma...Read more

The Return of Dolly Clothes-Peg

June 19, 1981

A letter is delivered to Scatterbrook but no one, save for John and Sue, recognise the name of the person it is addressed to - Wor...Read more

The Jumbly Sale

June 26, 1981

It’s the day of the village jumble sale and Worzel has decided that he’s going along to get himself a new outfit so that he can im...Read more

Worzel in Revolt

July 3, 1981

The Crowman has dispatched pigeons to round up Aunt Sally and Worzel. When they arrive at his abode they discover why. He has hear...Read more

Will the Real Aunt Sally...?

July 10, 1981

Worzel cannot believe his ears when Aunt Sally accepts his proposal of marriage, but almost in the same breath he is rejected. He ...Read more

The Golden Hind

July 17, 1981

The Golden Hind, a new fish and chips shop has opened in the village. As usual Worzel is wandering about the village and is attrac...Read more

Worzel's Birthday

July 31, 1981

Ten Acre field is covered in flowers of all colours and sizes for Worzel’s 'bestest birthday'. This comes as no surprise to John a...Read more