October 12, 1954 • 1h
A dramatization about Cyrus Field, who after several unsuccessful attempts, realized his dream of laying a cable across the Atlant...Read more
October 26, 1954 • 1h
The events in the life of Eliphalet Remington leading to the development of his famous rifle which played an important part in Ame...Read more
November 2, 1954 • 1h
In the midst of preparations for his political debates with Douglas, Lincoln successfully defends William Armstrong, a benefactor'...Read more
November 9, 1954 • 1h
A drama about Father Junipero Serra, an 18th century Spanish missionary who devoted his life to establishing missions up and down ...Read more
November 16, 1954 • 1h
Relates the story of James Ohio Pattie, the first American to write an account of a visit to California. Reenacts his arrival in ...Read more
November 23, 1954 • 1h
The history of Thanksgiving Day is presented by dramatizations of the holiday as it was in Washington's time and Lincoln's time.
November 30, 1954 • 1h
The story of Ann and Adoniram Judson, American missionaries, whose determination to return love and understanding for hatred not o...Read more
December 7, 1954 • 1h
A dramatization of a typical twenty-four-hour period in a doctor's life. Follows his activities during his night calls, his work a...Read more
December 14, 1954 • 1h
A biographical account of the wartime medical service of Dr. Mary Walker, who was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for her...Read more
December 28, 1954 • 1h
A dramatization of some of the events leading up to the American Revolution. Shows the part played by James Otis in defending the ...Read more
January 4, 1955 • 1h
A story about Lou Diamond, a marine gunnery sergeant who refused to let old age and sickness keep him from his post with the Fifth...Read more
January 18, 1955 • 1h
An account of the heroic mission of Lt. Andrew Rowan, who braved the Cuban jungles, risking capture and execution by Spanish troo...Read more
January 25, 1955 • 1h
A biographical account of the career of Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman doctor to practice in America, who, with the assistan...Read more
February 1, 1955 • 1h
The story of the Navy's first plane to take off vertically and of the man, Lt. Col. ""Skeets"" Coleman, who made the first take-off.
February 15, 1955 • 1h
Dramatizes an episode in the life of Chief Justice John Marshall, showing how his decision in the case of Marbury vs. Madison resu...Read more
February 22, 1955 • 1h
The heroic activities of Captain Robert Stobo,of the Virginia Militia, who, as a prisoner of the French during the French and Indi...Read more
March 8, 1955 • 1h
A biographical drama about Doctor Abraham Jacobi and his wife, Doctor Mary Putnam Jacobi, whose theories about prenatal and child ...Read more
March 15, 1955 • 1h
Typical incidents in the daily life of a city patrolman are used inexplaining the role of the police force in protecting citizens ...Read more
March 29, 1955 • 1h
The events leading to the construction of the Monitor, the ironclad ship built by the Federal Government during the Civil War to oppose the Merrimac.
April 12, 1955 • 1h
Dramatizes the career of Dr. George Minot, and Nobel prize winner who disregarded his own diabetic condition and successfully cont...Read more
April 26, 1955 • 1h
Shows how the influences of a farm environment, the necessity of assuming responsibility, and the receiving of faith and trust fro...Read more
May 3, 1955 • 1h
Tells how Mrs. Alice Lloyd, a forty-year-old Bostonian, started a school in the mountain town of Caney, Kentucky, in 1916 and gra...Read more
May 10, 1955 • 1h
Dramatizes the campaign waged by James E. West and Theodore Dreiser to establish the first juvenile court in the District of Colum...Read more
May 24, 1955 • 1h
A drama about a newspaper editor's reluctant decision to print a story which will bring sorrow to a man whom he deeply respects.
June 7, 1955 • 1h
Dramatizes the part played by Allan Pinkerton and his National Detective Agency in thwarting a Southern plot to assassinate Lincol...Read more
June 21, 1955 • 1h
During the War of 1812 a Baltimore attorney goes on a rescue mission behind the British lines. His name is Francis Scott Key and ...Read more