Season 3 (1954)

The Great Gamble

October 12, 1954 • 1h

A dramatization about Cyrus Field, who after several unsuccessful attempts, realized his dream of laying a cable across the Atlant...Read more

The Forge

October 26, 1954 • 1h

The events in the life of Eliphalet Remington leading to the development of his famous rifle which played an important part in Ame...Read more

Moonlight Witness

November 2, 1954 • 1h

In the midst of preparations for his political debates with Douglas, Lincoln successfully defends William Armstrong, a benefactor'...Read more

The Gentle Conqueror

November 9, 1954 • 1h

A drama about Father Junipero Serra, an 18th century Spanish missionary who devoted his life to establishing missions up and down ...Read more

Mountain Man

November 16, 1954 • 1h

Relates the story of James Ohio Pattie, the first American to write an account of a visit to California. Reenacts his arrival in ...Read more

American Thanksgiving

November 23, 1954 • 1h

The history of Thanksgiving Day is presented by dramatizations of the holiday as it was in Washington's time and Lincoln's time.

Ordeal in Burma

November 30, 1954 • 1h

The story of Ann and Adoniram Judson, American missionaries, whose determination to return love and understanding for hatred not o...Read more

Night Call

December 7, 1954 • 1h

A dramatization of a typical twenty-four-hour period in a doctor's life. Follows his activities during his night calls, his work a...Read more

A Medal for Miss Walker

December 14, 1954 • 1h

A biographical account of the wartime medical service of Dr. Mary Walker, who was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for her...Read more

A Man's Home

December 28, 1954 • 1h

A dramatization of some of the events leading up to the American Revolution. Shows the part played by James Otis in defending the ...Read more

The Marine Who Was 200 Years Old

January 4, 1955 • 1h

A story about Lou Diamond, a marine gunnery sergeant who refused to let old age and sickness keep him from his post with the Fifth...Read more

A Message from Garcia

January 18, 1955 • 1h

An account of the heroic mission of Lt. Andrew Rowan, who braved the Cuban jungles, risking capture and execution by Spanish troo...Read more

Petticoat Doctor

January 25, 1955 • 1h

A biographical account of the career of Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman doctor to practice in America, who, with the assistan...Read more

Take Off Zero

February 1, 1955 • 1h

The story of the Navy's first plane to take off vertically and of the man, Lt. Col. ""Skeets"" Coleman, who made the first take-off.

Decision for Justice

February 15, 1955 • 1h

Dramatizes an episode in the life of Chief Justice John Marshall, showing how his decision in the case of Marbury vs. Madison resu...Read more

The Hostage

February 22, 1955 • 1h

The heroic activities of Captain Robert Stobo,of the Virginia Militia, who, as a prisoner of the French during the French and Indi...Read more

That They Might Live

March 8, 1955 • 1h

A biographical drama about Doctor Abraham Jacobi and his wife, Doctor Mary Putnam Jacobi, whose theories about prenatal and child ...Read more

Man on the Beat

March 15, 1955 • 1h

Typical incidents in the daily life of a city patrolman are used inexplaining the role of the police force in protecting citizens ...Read more

The Ship That Shook the World

March 29, 1955 • 1h

The events leading to the construction of the Monitor, the ironclad ship built by the Federal Government during the Civil War to oppose the Merrimac.

The Gift of Dr. Minot

April 12, 1955 • 1h

Dramatizes the career of Dr. George Minot, and Nobel prize winner who disregarded his own diabetic condition and successfully cont...Read more

How to Raise a Boy

April 26, 1955 • 1h

Shows how the influences of a farm environment, the necessity of assuming responsibility, and the receiving of faith and trust fro...Read more

Stay On, Stranger!

May 3, 1955 • 1h

Tells how Mrs. Alice Lloyd, a forty-year-old Bostonian, started a school in the mountain town of Caney, Kentucky, in 1916 and gra...Read more

Sunrise on a Dirty Face

May 10, 1955 • 1h

Dramatizes the campaign waged by James E. West and Theodore Dreiser to establish the first juvenile court in the District of Colum...Read more

Six Hours to Deadline

May 24, 1955 • 1h

A drama about a newspaper editor's reluctant decision to print a story which will bring sorrow to a man whom he deeply respects.

The Palmetto Conspiracy

June 7, 1955 • 1h

Dramatizes the part played by Allan Pinkerton and his National Detective Agency in thwarting a Southern plot to assassinate Lincol...Read more

The Rescue of Dr. Beanes

June 21, 1955 • 1h

During the War of 1812 a Baltimore attorney goes on a rescue mission behind the British lines. His name is Francis Scott Key and ...Read more