Season 3 (2010)

Three Months Lost Rent

April 4, 2010

Jeremy and Angie need to renovate their dilapidated basement apartment because they desperately need the income. If they don’t ren...Read more

Busy Bakers Income Suite

April 11, 2010

Henri and Lori need to renovate their outdated income suite, fast, so that they can maintain the income they’ve relied on to help ...Read more

Saving A Money Pit

April 18, 2010

Courtney & Emily need to get their unfinished basement renovated to a high standard apartment ASAP to be able to afford the extra ...Read more

Out of Debt & Down the Aisle

April 25, 2010

Bonnie & Merv have credit card debt in addition to a big mortgage. Bonnie & Merv need Scott’s help to complete their basement inco...Read more

Laura and Peter

May 2, 2010

Laura & Peter need to convert the office space in the basement into an apartment suitable for their cool neighbourhood in order to...Read more

First Time Parents Seek Extra Income

June 6, 2010

Antoinette and Mike need a safe income suite tout de suite because Antoinette is expecting and they need the extra income.

Staying On Track

June 13, 2010

During 18 months of unemployment, Crystal came to depend on her improvised, second floor apartment to avoid defaulting on her mort...Read more

Rushad and Lizzy

July 21, 2010

S3, Ep 8: Rushad and Lizzy Rushad wants to move out of his parents’ house and into the triplex he bought last fall. Unfortunately,...Read more

Andrea and Luke

July 14, 2010

Andrea and Luke have a five-year financial plan based on the second floor apartment being consistently rented. Without the income ...Read more

Law Of Landlording

August 4, 2010

Tracey fell in love with her home the first day she saw it. In the ensuing months, she has done more destruction than construction...Read more


August 18, 2010

Divorced dad Kerry needs Scott’s help to finish the basement apartment so that he can collect rental income to give his children t...Read more


August 11, 2010

Lisa has been waffling over creating an income suite for the last five years and has lost potentially $50,000 in income. If she do...Read more

Lisa & Matt need help to renovate their main floor apartment to allow her disabled brother comfortable visits as well as to generate untapped income.

August 25, 2010 • 30m

Lisa and Matt need Scott’s help to renovate their main floor apartment to allow Lisa’s disabled brother comfortable visits as well...Read more