February 16, 2005 • 1h
The rise of Islam is one of the most important events in world history. In the 7th century, Mohammed's intention was to unite the ...Read more
February 23, 2005 • 1h
China is the fastest growing economy on earth. One in four of every person on the planet is Chinese, and Shanghai is six times the...Read more
March 2, 2005 • 1h
These three peoples lived in a vast area of modern-day Central and South America which incorporates coastal strips, hot and steamy...Read more
March 9, 2005 • 1h
The city of Rome was founded on the banks of the Tiber in 753 BC and for a thousand years the western world was ruled from within ...Read more
March 16, 2005 • 1h
India is one of the oldest and richest civilizations in the world. It is home to the world's first planned cities, where every hou...Read more
March 23, 2005 • 1h
There has always been a great debate as to who kicked off civilisation: was it the Egyptians, the Greeks or the Romans? Well, actu...Read more
March 30, 2005 • 1h
Egypt became a unified country five thousand years ago and - until the arrival of Alexander the Great in 332 BC - remained a fierc...Read more
April 6, 2005 • 1h
The ancient Greek civilisation flourished for about a thousand years, not as a unified country but rather as a loose association o...Read more
April 13, 2005 • 1h
A lot of people still think that we were just woad-covered savages before the Romans came along. Well, we weren't - firstly we wer...Read more