Yasuyuki is a high school student in love with his classmate, Yuu. He decides to join her film club to be near her. The teacher, Shindou Risa, and clu...Read more
Kansen 2: Inzai Toshi
2010 • 2 Episodes
Season 2 of Kansen premiered on February 26, 2010
Kansen 2 takes place during the initial outbreak of the Unknown virus epidemic, but the protagonists here have a much harder lot because they are stuc...Read more
Kansen 3: Shuto Houkai
2010 • 2 Episodes
Season 3 of Kansen premiered on September 24, 2010
Four years have passed since the initial outbreak of the Unknown virus epidemic, and the terrifying plague which depopulated the Tohoku region of Japa...Read more
Kansen 5: The Daybreak
2012 • 3 Episodes
Season 4 of Kansen premiered on October 26, 2012
Oogami Island is normally a peaceful isle with lush green scenery, but is now a place of depraved wanton lust. The contagion Unknown - Level 4 has bec...Read more