August 12, 2000 • 11m
Dog gets Cat obsessed with Monster Truck shows, and Cat becomes crazy!
August 12, 2000 • 11m
Cat wants to sell bee's honey for money, but Dog just wants to eat all of it.
May 14, 2001 • 11m
Randolph announces that ear infections, etc. would begin in Nearburg, and when it happens the episode turns black and white and has no sound.
May 14, 2001 • 11m
A gorilla ends up on CatDog's doorstep, and Cat realises that the Gorilla would be a great addiion to their bowling team.
May 15, 2001 • 11m
A rich blind fellow, Mr. Wolfington needs to hire a new seeing eye dog, so he agrees to hire Dog from CatDog. Cat is overjoyed bec...Read more
May 15, 2001 • 11m
Episode 6 of Season 3 premiered on May 15, 2001
May 16, 2001 • 11m
Winterwonderland has hit Nearburg, and lots of folks want to enjoy Lake Nearburg and ice skate. The Greasers were there first play...Read more
May 16, 2001 • 11m
Dog orders a hypnotism kit, and inside is a book and a Monkey's paw. Cat at first is skeptical until Dog successfully hypnotizes W...Read more
May 17, 2001 • 11m
The inseparable duo concoct a tasty confection, but with an unforeseen side effect.
May 17, 2001 • 11m
CatDog moves into an area where their Uncle Horseduck died, and it was in their will to let CatDog live there, but Rancid Rabbit i...Read more
May 18, 2001 • 11m
Eddie the Squirell is tired of the Greaser Dogs "pounding" him, so he invents a huge Cat to get back at the Greasers.
May 18, 2001 • 11m
CatDog tries to find a mythological treaure in the sea after tricking Lola into helping them go after it.
November 28, 2003 • 11m
Winslow's Niece and Nephew come to visit and make Winslow look foolish.
November 28, 2003 • 11m
After saving Mayor Rancid the year before, Cat does not want to be Dog's sidekick anymore, but later wants to.
July 12, 2002 • 11m
CatDog goes to see Mean Bob's Theater play, but Dog thinks it's so real that he starts a fight on stage, this causes Mean Bob (wel...Read more
July 12, 2002 • 11m
Ever wondered what goes on inside Winslow's house and how he's able to pop out of doorways in so many different locations? Well, s...Read more
June 15, 2004 • 11m
Cat suffers an identity crisis when a gang of beatnik alley-cats set up shop near the CatDog house. Seduced by their bongo music, ...Read more
June 15, 2004 • 11m
This is a salty old fisherman's tale about the Swordfish on CatDog's living-room wall. The teller of the tale is Cat, who's embell...Read more
June 15, 2005 • 11m
Dog gets an ear injury, forcing him to wear an ear cone.
June 15, 2005 • 11m
Pete The Polecat sings about a garbage truck and how Dog trys to save it.
June 15, 2005 • 11m
Cat believes their parents love Dog more.
June 15, 2005 • 11m
Dog finds out meat comes from animals, and his friends are animals!