Season 2 (2023)

The Monty Hall Problem

October 10, 2023 • 10m

The Monty Hall paradox, named after a game show from the 60s, concerns the way in which information acquired during the course of ...Read more

Simpson's Paradox

October 10, 2023 • 10m

Statistics seem, almost by their very nature, to convey a positivist message. They are, in fact, a formidable tool in the attempt ...Read more

Non-Euclidean Geometries

October 10, 2023 • 10m

For centuries, geometry was based on Euclid's postulates, which seemed eternal and irrevocable. However, one of the postulates (t...Read more

Planar Tessellations

October 10, 2023 • 10m

A tessellation is a way of covering a plane with a repeating pattern... Basically, it's like creating wallpaper. In 1975, Marjori...Read more

Graph Theory

October 10, 2023 • 10m

The question is how to make a network that is both "economical" and "robust" without taking up too much space. This is a theoreti...Read more

Alicia Boole in the Land of Polytopes

October 10, 2023 • 10m

To begin with, there are the five "Platonic solids" beloved of geometers: the cube, the tetrahedron, the octahedron, the dodecahed...Read more

The Kepler Conjecture, or How to Store Your Cannonballs

October 10, 2023 • 10m

When mathematics tells us the best way to stack oranges... Formulated in 1611, Kepler's conjecture was finally proved by Thomas H...Read more

Chaos Theory or Order in Disorder

October 10, 2023 • 10m

Can the flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil trigger a tornado in Texas? Behind Edward Lorenz's all-too-famous question lies a m...Read more

Kovaleskaya's Spinning Top or The Best Way to Spin

October 10, 2023 • 10m

How do you model the movement of a potato in space? Many a mathematician has struggled with this question. At the end of the 19th...Read more

Entscheidungsproblem: The End of Mathematics?

October 10, 2023 • 10m

Imagine a world where a machine could calculate true and false... Failing that, Church, Herbrand, Gödel and Turing each tried in ...Read more