Season 2 (1996)

New Places, New Faces

October 12, 1996

The crew meets Catalina's friend, Suzee, and crash land on a strange, uncharted planet.

The Sporting Kind

October 19, 1996

While out exploring, Rosie and Harlan find a strange creature. Harlan tells Rosie to put it back, but then the Spung attack and R...Read more

Long Distance Calls

October 26, 1996

The kids find a phone device and uses it to call home. The kids talk to their parents and Suzee talks to Catalina. Miss Davenpor...Read more

King of the Hil

November 2, 1996

The Hil people mistake Harlan for their king and want him to defeat a centuries old monster. So he, Thelma, Rosie, Radu, and Suze...Read more

Truth Hurts

November 9, 1996

Rosie becomes a tattletale during a game of Truth or Doom and Suzee swears that she'll never speak to her again. Then the kids sn...Read more

Homeward Bound

November 16, 1996

Radu has a dream where Elmira warns them that they are in danger. However, nobody believes him. There's a message that says that...Read more

All You Can Eaty

November 23, 1996

While crew is collecting things from space they see an asteroid coming toward them. At first they're scared but they calm down whe...Read more

Both Sides Now

November 30, 1996

Miss Davenport sure has gotten a big head lately! She overloaded her brain and heard the crew talking about how they would like t...Read more

Mother Knows Best

December 7, 1996

The Christa heads into a sector of space controlled by Ma, an energy-sucking monster. Ma steals the energy of everyone besides Ra...Read more

A Star is Boring

January 19, 1997

Bova says he's the oldest man alive as a gag, and he becomes popular on the planet Neon. But how will Utz react when he discovers...Read more


January 5, 1997

Radu and Bova get to go on a "boring" mission with the Starling 9 because Harlan and Suzee didn't want to go. Things go smoothly,...Read more

Trouble With Doubles

January 12, 1997

The Christa runs into an enemy the crew could have never imagined--themselves! Can the crew defeat their evil selves, or will evil actually prevail?

A Friend in Need

January 27, 1997

The Christa makes an encounter with a space station with a mind of it's own named Pezu after it was attacked by Spung. But the pr...Read more