September 13, 2001 • 24m
A year has passed since the final battle with Moo, Genki still cannot forget his friends. Suddenly he is led by an image of Mocchi...Read more
September 14, 2001 • 24m
Holly is determined to free his father from the Disc and trap Moo inside. The three enters a city to eat and while they are there,...Read more
September 15, 2001 • 24m
Genki and Mocchi take part in the first of six competition that leads to the Legend Cup. Not only was the title at stake, a Myster...Read more
September 16, 2001 • 24m
The gang runs into Hare at an orchard and finds out that he has been living with Tama who saved Hare after the battle with Moo. Se...Read more
September 17, 2001 • 24m
While Mocchi is searching for food, he chance upon the Wondar Brothers. The younger Wondar is a huge Hare Type monster with immens...Read more
September 18, 2001 • 24m
Tiger wants to make his debut at the Mandy Cup but everyone is worried that he won't be able to do it without his abilities (which...Read more
September 19, 2001 • 24m
The gang got interested in Hare's little baggage but Hare refuses to show them. Then, a small Dinosaur came and stole Hare's bagga...Read more
September 20, 2001 • 24m
Fed up with their failures, General Durahan sends out his Shelly Gabus to deal with the gang. The Gabus caught up with the gang wh...Read more
September 21, 2001 • 24m
In this competition (3 rounds, 1 on 1), Mocchi must enter with two other monsters in the list that is designated by the IMA. Guess...Read more
September 22, 2001 • 24m
The gang tries to cross the marshlands but have problems with getting a cheap taxi. In the end they took Sandra's offer of 700 gol...Read more
September 23, 2001 • 24m
In the forest, Genki is busy with creating battle plans when Wood Golem attacks. No one listens to Genki's battle plans and Genki,...Read more
September 24, 2001 • 24m
In the Winner's Cup held in a town by the seaside, Mocchi's partner has to be Golem who is the only 1 in the 5 IMA designated mons...Read more
September 25, 2001 • 24m
Pink Jam and the gels who have changed their ways but are still failures in whatever they do. Incidentally, the gang meets up with...Read more
September 26, 2001 • 24m
The gang meets up with Horn who lost his pirate ship mysteriously one night! Also, they hear about the legend of a phantom ship in...Read more
September 27, 2001 • 24m
When Mum Mew asks about his plans, General Durahan says that he has already found a very strong monster who can deal with the gang...Read more
September 28, 2001 • 24m
Mum Mew and Gobi decides to personally deal with the gang and spare the General's monster collection. The gang enters a training ...Read more
September 29, 2001 • 24m
In General Durahan's collection, there is a fearsome warrior - Shogun who is stronger that General Durahan himself . By accident, ...Read more
September 30, 2001 • 24m
Tiger meets up with Grey Wolf but refuses to acknowledge him as his brother after realizing that they are opponent in tomorrow's b...Read more
October 1, 2001 • 24m
Golem and gang runs into an Old Lady who cooks the best Pizza. Just when she was about to defend her crown in the cooking competit...Read more
October 2, 2001 • 24m
The gang meets up with Granity but then she becomes controlled by a machine type Baddie which enter her head. Can she fight this ...Read more
October 3, 2001 • 24m
Mum Mew, Gobi and Weed tries to capture the gang by issuing wanted posters. When an old hotel owner turns up with the bounty, Mum ...Read more
October 4, 2001 • 24m
An airplane lifts off from the crash site of General Durahan's ship. Genki and gang made it to the International Monster Associat...Read more
October 5, 2001 • 24m
General Durahan orders Mew and Gobi to show him the highlights of the Legend Cup thus far. Meanwhile, Most's public sparring match...Read more
October 6, 2001 • 24m
Despite losing to Most, Most gladly destroys the championship belt to give the Magic Stone to the gang. Armed with the Magic Stone...Read more
October 7, 2001 • 24m
After rescuing Holly's father, the gang waits for him to awaken. Then, the Mystery Disc gets stolen by General Durahan! General D...Read more