November 22, 2021 • 45m
It can be claimed that Canterbury Cathedral is as old as England itself. But the cathedral is now showing its age. Massive chunks ...Read more
November 29, 2021 • 45m
The team build a Protection Deck; more than 300km of scaffolding cover the whole bridge, encasing it in an exoskeleton of constantly changing steel.
December 6, 2021 • 45m
The historic Royal Albert Hall is in need of urgent repairs. A specialist team is required to restore the building to the highest ...Read more
December 13, 2021 • 45m
Salt water and iron don't mix and Southend Pier, built back in 1888, has seen better days. Now a team of specialists are working h...Read more
December 20, 2021 • 45m
After 14 decades centre stage the Manchester Town Hall is in urgent need of repair. Now a dedicated team are working hard to do th...Read more
December 27, 2021 • 45m
The Victorian London sewer system is getting a 21st century upgrade. Machines bore a network of tunnels linking Bazalgette's old s...Read more