April 1, 2017 • 24m
Coupled with the military's cover-up of a previous incident, the shocking discovery inside the Walls causes a stir. Elsewhere, whi...Read more
April 8, 2017 • 24m
With the appearance of Titans within Wall Rose, Sasha and Connie ride as messengers to warn their villages of the impending threat.
April 15, 2017 • 24m
The Scouts search for a hole in the wall while Eren and the others learn that someone close may be hiding all the answers.
April 22, 2017 • 24m
Unarmed and overwhelmed by the Titan assault on the castle, the only hope for the Scouts may lie in a promise and a secret.
April 29, 2017 • 24m
Utgard Castle comes crumbling down as Ymir desperately battles the Titans. Now, Christa must fulfill the promise they made long ag...Read more
May 6, 2017 • 24m
Following the battle, the Scouts regroup atop the wall only to find more questions than answers.
May 13, 2017 • 24m
With a new enemy revealed, Eren and the Scouts fight back using all the techniques at their disposal.
May 20, 2017 • 24m
Without a way to pursue the Titans, the Scouts have no choice but to recuperate as they wait for reinforcements. But do they still have faith in Eren?
May 27, 2017 • 24m
The Scouts rally and charge in pursuit, but Reiner is not quite himself while the group is trapped in the giant forest until nightfall.
June 3, 2017 • 24m
When their group finally flees, Ymir wonders whether she should lie or stay true to herself, even if it means ruining the lives an...Read more
June 10, 2017 • 24m
The pursuit begins as the Recon Corps battles their way to Eren. But as the Scouts start to take numerous casualties, Erwin executes a risky strategy.
June 17, 2017 • 24m
The battle continues as Eren and the Scouts face many hard decisions. Who is the real enemy? What is the war really about? And wha...Read more