September 13, 2008 • 10m
True Heart trips and is teased.
September 13, 2008 • 10m
Grumpy finds a special Bumbleberry bush and refuses to share.
September 20, 2008 • 10m
When Grizzle loses Mr. Beaks, he leaps to the worst conclusion—that his pal has been stolen by the Care Bears. The Care Bears don'...Read more
September 20, 2008 • 10m
When Grizzle invents a "dream scheme machine," not even the Care Bears nocturnal slumberings are safe from his evil designs. At fi...Read more
September 27, 2008 • 10m
As the Care Bears start their annual spring cleaning, Oopsy finds himself bothered by an odd problem. He's sure he's seeing duplic...Read more
September 27, 2008 • 10m
The Care Bears have been trying to help a girl named McKenna, but find her to be a tough case. They decide to transport her to Car...Read more
October 4, 2008 • 10m
Harmony is unnerved when she learns that it's Surprise Day, her least favorite holiday. Though the other Care Bears all love surpr...Read more
October 4, 2008 • 10m
The Care Bears are so busy with work that they haven't had much time for play lately. When they all politely decline Bumpity and T...Read more
October 11, 2008 • 10m
McKenna makes another appearance in Care-a-Lot. Upon arrival she helps Cheer, Harmony and Love-a-Lot with a big project. Grumpy, F...Read more
October 10, 2008 • 10m
On the walls of Love-a-Lot's house are several pictures of her and Cheer giving each other gift baskets. Share pops in Love-a-Lot'...Read more
October 18, 2008 • 10m
Harmony has the most lovely voice in Care-a-Lot, but when True Heart plans a big concert for Harmony to sing, all the extra attent...Read more
October 18, 2008 • 10m
As the Care Bears sit around the campfire telling war stories, it comes to Oopsy's turn, and he cannot think of anything as good a...Read more
October 25, 2008 • 10m
Bedtime allows Funshine, Tenderheart, Oopsy to accomanpy him on a typical work shift, which includes helping Hugs and Tugs get to ...Read more
October 25, 2008 • 10m
Bumpity and Tweazle try to create winter conditions to allow the Care Bears and McKenna to enjoy winter activities, but they accid...Read more
November 1, 2008 • 10m
Grizzle has created another device to steal the Care Bears belly badges and uses it on Funshine.
November 1, 2008 • 10m
McKenna is taught about the joys of giving; Grizzle gives the Care Bears a gift and invites them to his lair for a larger gift; on...Read more
November 8, 2008 • 10m
After several mishaps while preparing for a race, Oopsy believes himself to be bad luck until he receives a clover from Good Luck.
November 8, 2008 • 10m
McKenna is envited to stay in Care-a-Lot for awhile, but she's not the best house guest. After trashing the homes of both Tenderhe...Read more
November 15, 2008 • 10m
McKenna and the other Care Bears help Grumpy get over his fear of riding a bicycle.
November 15, 2008 • 10m
True Heart and Share are bored. Oopsy peddles over to show off his new Wheeligig Bell, which is a bell attacked to a unicycle. Che...Read more
November 22, 2008 • 10m
Tenderheart gets a new pogo stick from Grumpy and insists on Funshine trying it, despite Funshine's insistence that he's not ready...Read more
November 22, 2008 • 10m
McKenna's friend Heather moved away and the Care Bears and the Thunder Whales help her feel better about Heather's absence.
November 29, 2008 • 10m
As the Care Bears hold a celebration for Wingnut, Grizzle fumes over the loss of his robotic assistant who has "turned traitor." H...Read more
December 6, 2008 • 10m
As the Care Bears experience a rash of disappearing personal items, they receive an alert from their Care Bear Transporter. A girl...Read more