Season 1 (2006)

Birthday Party

July 21, 2006 • 57m

Insurance saleswoman Yoon Young (Lee Se Eun) is in charge of the hospital's last remaining patient Lee So Hee, who is in a coma. W...Read more


July 28, 2006 • 57m

Kang Su Jin (Myung Ji Yeon) is a veteran nurse in the hospital. She continues to be haunted by an accident that happened ten years...Read more


August 4, 2006 • 57m

Detective Choi (Im Won Hee) has lost his passion for life, and now pursues money and nothing else. He was in charge of a case 10 y...Read more

Crimson Red

August 11, 2006 • 57m

Designer Hong Ah (Lee Young Jin) has a peculiar talent: she can see dead people. By now she's gotten used to the blood and horribl...Read more

Doctor, Jang Seo Won

August 18, 2006 • 57m

The hospital's shut down is just a few days away, but chief doctor Jang Seo Won believes he can save his last patient, So Hee. Fiv...Read more