September 20, 1994 • 51m
The men return from Bosnia and discover that they're heading to Cyprus. Dave Tucker discovers that he is the frame for a paternity...Read more
September 27, 1994 • 51m
The men and their wives head to Cyprus. The men make a number of mistakes on exercise but are redeemed when they intervene in a cr...Read more
October 4, 1994 • 51m
A beach landing exercise is suspended after two men fall overboard. Donna's sister Kelly falls for one of the locals and Major Kie...Read more
October 11, 1994 • 51m
Marsha Stubbs involvement with a local businessman leads to a brush with the law and Kieron Voce must make a decision about Kate.
October 18, 1994 • 51m
A prank in the Officer's Mess causes trouble for Tucker but he faces even more trouble when memories of Bosnia return to haunt Com...Read more
October 25, 1994 • 51m
The arrival of soldiers from the US Army for a training exercise forces rivalries to bubble to the surface and have far reaching c...Read more
November 1, 1994 • 51m
Donna Tucker finally follows her dream to continue her education whilst Dave finds the words of a veteran sobering. Tony and Joy f...Read more
November 8, 1994 • 51m
Paddy Garvey realises a few home truths when he takes his nephew out for a cruise on the river whilst Nelson has some trouble to d...Read more
November 15, 1994 • 51m
The day of Major Kieran Voce and Captain Kate Butler's wedding arrives and Lieutenant Jeremy Forsythe and the lads help to rescue ...Read more
November 22, 1994 • 51m
An old flame from Major James McCudden seeks his help when an old friend falls on hard times. The Stubbs face more trouble when Ma...Read more
November 29, 1994 • 51m
The arrival of a new soldier in the regiment and the return of Eddie Nelson's brother into his life causes trouble.
December 6, 1994 • 51m
The girls get together and Donna confesses her love for Mark. The men go on exercise and whilst Sergeant Sally Hawkins wants to jo...Read more
December 13, 1994 • 51m
As the repercussions of Tony Wilton's death are felt, everyone starts to move on.