September 28, 2021 • 53m
In 1910 Sinaloa, Mexico, bandit Jesús "Malverde" Juárez and his gang rob a traveling governor's coach, but one of their men is cap...Read more
September 29, 2021 • 54m
Jesús promises Isabel he'll rescue her brother, but it proves harder than he thought. The railroad bridge opening ceremony takes an unexpected turn.
September 30, 2021 • 54m
Nazario and Jesús secretly visit the Aguilars for a reunion. After sending a telegraph to the president, the governor gives Quiñon...Read more
October 1, 2021 • 44m
Jesús arranges a secret rendezvous with Isabel. Shortly after the governor departs to return home with his wife, Eleuterio is sent to eliminate him.
October 4, 2021 • 43m
Jesús tells Isabel about his past. Nacho makes a new friend. The president learns of the assassination and decides to send someone...Read more
October 5, 2021 • 42m
Quiñones demands Father Hilario stop the villagers from making a saint out of Malverde. Jesús secretly visits teacher Mathías to ask who he works for.
October 6, 2021 • 43m
Chuyín attends school for the first time. Eleuterio presents Quiñones with an army of mercenaries. Vicente asks his father-in-law about land he owns.
October 7, 2021 • 43m
An envoy delivers a request to Mathías. Quiñones seeks to make an ally of Vicente. Col. Luna arrives in San Blas de Baca and takes charge.
October 8, 2021 • 42m
Jesús is asked to meet Pancho Villa. The governor's widow asks Luna if she can speak to him — alone. Luna's sister goes to confession at the church.
October 11, 2021 • 43m
Jesús employs a way to test Luna's honesty, and sends a message to Isabel after learning of her plans to travel to the US.
October 12, 2021 • 42m
Jesús befriends Lucrecia, introducing himself as "León." During Luna's speech, a heated argument erupts between Malverde's sympathizers and Quiñones.
October 14, 2021 • 43m
Isabel asks Jesús to show her where he lives. Quiñones investigates Vicente's activities. Spies working for Eleuterio learn where Malverde is headed.
October 15, 2021 • 43m
Quiñones offers Vicente a deal. Eleuterio and his men ambush Jesús. Secundino tells Father Hilario of a disturbing event he witnessed in Culiacán.
October 18, 2021 • 43m
Luna and his sister pay a visit to the Aguilar home, where they're invited to stay for dinner. As planned, Jesús meets Pancho Villa in Chihuahua.
October 19, 2021 • 43m
One of Villa's women tempts Jesús. An old flame of Ángeles returns to San Blas de Baca. Jesús dares to openly disagree with some of Villa's methods.
October 20, 2021 • 42m
Güera makes a comment to Vicente that touches a nerve. Isabel gives Secundino love advice. One of Pancho Villa's colonels catches China's eye.
October 21, 2021 • 43m
Luna is warned about invading Yoreme settlements. Fierro tries to rob gold from a mining company but Jesús beats him to it. Col. A...Read more
October 22, 2021 • 43m
Valentina chooses between Jesús and Villa. Secundino tells Father Hilario he might have to help care for his father. Luna and his ...Read more
October 25, 2021 • 42m
To lure Malverde, Luna harasses the Yoreme settlers in Navojoa. When Ramón confesses the Aguilar family business is suffering, Vicente offers to help.
October 26, 2021 • 43m
Nacho secretly follows Chuyín, who delivers papers to Malverde. Mathías asks Isabel to help distribute copies of a manifesto he wr...Read more
October 27, 2021 • 43m
Güera tells Vicente of her encounter with his wife. Jesús pays a visit to Gamboa. Nazario offers his father help in saving the family business.
October 28, 2021 • 43m
Azalea encourages Lucrecia to take an interest in Mathías. Electricity comes to San Blas de Baca. Nacho eavesdrops at a party thrown by Quiñones.
October 29, 2021 • 43m
Isabel confronts Jesús over his affair with Azalea. Nazario explains to Ángeles why he doesn't want a child. China springs a surprise on Amalio.
November 1, 2021 • 43m
Anti-Quiñones flyers appear all over town. Nacho asks Jesús to teach him to fight. Father Hilario advises Secundino on how to approach Lucrecia.
November 2, 2021 • 43m
Ángeles accidentally reveals a secret about her past to Güera. Luna orders a search of Mathías' school. Jesús challenges Eleuterio to a fight.
November 3, 2021 • 43m
Isabel learns what Eleuterio did to her son. Mathías asks Luna if he may court Lucrecia. Secundino tells Father Hilario there's mo...Read more
November 4, 2021 • 43m
Lucrecia and Mathías spend time together, as do China and Amalio. After Eleuterio is brought back to town and interrogated, Vicente lashes out at him.
November 5, 2021 • 42m
Nazario asks his father for advice. The gang finds a new home near town. Nacho asks Vicente if Eleuterio's claim about him and Güera is true.
November 8, 2021 • 42m
Father Hilario gets an alarming message. While secretly visiting Lucrecia, Jesús is cornered by her brother. Desire overwhelms Mathías and Lucrecia.
November 9, 2021 • 43m
Azalea pressures Isabel to reveal the true nature of her and Jesús' relationship. Jesús proposes to his gang a plan that would giv...Read more
November 10, 2021 • 43m
Jesús has a vision about Surem. Secundino attacks Mathías. Ángeles proposes a business idea to Isabel. Things heat up between China and Amalio.
November 11, 2021 • 43m
Azalea begs Jesús to kill her husband. Vicente plots to ruin his wife's planned east-west route. Eleuterio stages a bank robbery a...Read more
November 12, 2021 • 43m
In the aftermath of the bank robbery, Surem's life hangs by a thread. Luna interrogates China and Amalio, who are accused of using false identities.
November 15, 2021 • 42m
Secundino discovers Mathías and Lucrecia sharing a private moment of passion. Luna receives a telegram that officially sanctions Quiñones' army.
November 17, 2021 • 42m
Azalea struggles to keep her husband from finding José and Surem. Isabel convinces Secundino to accept her help. Amalio reveals a big secret to China.
November 18, 2021 • 43m
Vicente has a man-to-man talk with his son. Lucrecia asks Mathías to be her lover. China makes a sacrifice for Nazario that puts her in grave danger.
November 19, 2021 • 43m
Mathías tells Luna what is intentions are toward Lucrecia. Azalea tries to distract her husband while José attempts to sneak Surem...Read more
November 22, 2021 • 42m
Luna takes an interest in Ángeles. Vicente offers to act as the judge at China's upcoming trial. Secundino is told he can no longer become a priest.
November 23, 2021 • 43m
Malverde tries to stop Amalio from leading his rebel army in a takeover of San Blas de Baca. Mathías begs Luna to make China's tri...Read more
November 24, 2021 • 46m
Malverde sets a plan in motion to rescue China and protect the townspeople from the rebels' imminent attack. Mathías' loyalty to the rebels is tested.
November 26, 2021 • 43m
Isabel stands up to Amalio and his troops. Secundino is abducted. Lucrecia tries to seduce Mathías. Quiñones begins to doubt his wife is pregnant.
November 29, 2021 • 43m
Quiñones overhears his wife instructing her maid to deliver a message to an unnamed man. Surem is summoned to treat Ramón, but encounters danger.
November 30, 2021 • 43m
Surem warns Quiñones that a past transgression will be his downfall. Ramón asks to speak to his grandson. Amalio accuses Mathías of being a traitor.
December 1, 2021 • 43m
Ramón makes a final request of his son-in-law, who in turn asks Ramón to sign over his land. Malverde helps Azalea to make a daring escape.
December 2, 2021 • 44m
Azalea does what she must to escape from the hacienda. When Malverde hears about Ramón, he senses something isn't right. China ans...Read more
December 3, 2021 • 43m
Jesús struggles to make sense of the visions and feelings he's experiencing. Amalio awakens to find a bedside note — and China gon...Read more
December 6, 2021 • 43m
Isabel finds evidence that leads her to suspect the worst of Secundino. Quiñones sends a painful message to Malverde. Luna discovers where Azalea is.
December 7, 2021 • 43m
When Luna arrests Eleuterio, Quiñones declares war. Rosa tells Luna about her boss' abuses. Isabel delivers an emotionally stirring eulogy.
December 8, 2021 • 42m
Luna gets another telegram, this time naming Vicente as San Blas' civil authority. The Yoreme give Surem a sendoff. Isabel arrange...Read more
December 9, 2021 • 43m
Vicente finds the train ticket to Veracruz. Güera is surprised by a new man's attentions. Lucrecia finally gets what she wants from Mathías.
December 10, 2021 • 43m
Luna discovers what his sister and Mathías have been up to. Isabel races to the bandits' camp to warn Azalea. Vicente asks his wife for support.
December 13, 2021 • 43m
Secundino continues to pursue Güera, who is later confronted by Vicente. José tells Isabel what her father's spirit revealed to him about his death.
December 14, 2021 • 44m
Malverde senses a change in Nazario. Vicente teaches Nacho to look down on peasants. Isabel and Ángeles confide their regrets and ...Read more
December 15, 2021 • 43m
News forces Mathías to choose between his cause and his wedding. José confronts Vicente over Ramón's death. Nacho tries to reconcile with Chuyin.
December 16, 2021 • 43m
Vicente tells his wife that her father shared a last wish with him. Nazario proposes a plan to Ángeles. Zapata asks for Malverde's help with a heist.
December 17, 2021 • 43m
When it comes time to finalize their deal, Quiñones springs a surprise on Vicente. Isabel tells Luna her suspicions about the land sale.
December 20, 2021 • 44m
Isabel confronts Quiñones over the land sale. José infiltrates the labor camp and urges the Yoreme to escape. Father Hilario begin...Read more
December 21, 2021 • 43m
Quiñones convinces Lucrecia to spend more time with him. Another woman is seduced by Secundino. Luna learns a sensitive shipment w...Read more
December 22, 2021 • 44m
The town prepares for the train's arrival. Mathías finds out whose portrait Lucrecia is painting next, and what his freedom from V...Read more
December 23, 2021 • 44m
Ángeles tells Isabel that Nacho deserves to know the truth about his father. Malverde plans the train robbery. Quiñones follows Ro...Read more
December 24, 2021 • 43m
Isabel finds an upsetting letter in her husband's dresser. Father Hilario has a premonition. José learns about Vicente's mysterious parents in the US.
December 29, 2021 • 43m
José warns Isabel of Zapata's plans for the next day. Ángeles chooses between Nazario and Luna. Quiñones torments Rosa by preying on the other maids.
January 3, 2022 • 44m
The bishop arrives, with Kari in his entourage, and comes face to face with Secundino. Behind his mother's back, Nacho sneaks onto the train.
January 4, 2022 • 43m
Isabel rushes to Jesus' side, where her son insists on helping to save his life. Father Hilario stands up to the bishop. Mathías c...Read more
January 5, 2022 • 43m
The spirit of Surem guides Nacho in healing Jesús. Isabel tells her son who his biological father is. A showing of John Reed's fil...Read more
January 6, 2022 • 43m
Secundino admits to Kari he's in love with another woman. Luna and Ángeles consummate their relationship. Vicente learns his wife ...Read more
January 7, 2022 • 44m
Ángeles admits to Güera that her happiness is incomplete without Nazario. The bishop threatens to report Secundino if he doesn't hand over Kari.
January 10, 2022 • 44m
Nacho begins to doubt Vicente's honesty. John Reed asks Luna to reconsider his loyalty to the president. Quiñones intercepts a telegram about Mathías.
January 11, 2022 • 44m
Reed's film inadvertently gives Luna a clue to Malverde's whereabouts. Jesús foresees his own future. Seeking a new boss, Eleuteri...Read more
January 12, 2022 • 43m
Luna confronts Malverde, but a snake interrupts. Vicente proposes a bold idea to Güera. Father Hilario tries to solve the wedding officiant problem.
January 13, 2022 • 44m
Vicente's parents arrive in San Blas with a surprise. Despite his condition, Luna arrests Malverde. Passion reignites between China and Secundino.
January 14, 2022 • 44m
Eleuterio rounds up a posse to hunt for Malverde. When Isabel's in-laws decide they'd rather stay at a hotel, their son makes Quiñones an offer.
January 17, 2022 • 43m
When her own husband orders her arrest, Isabel goes on the run, leaving Secundino to face a tortuous interrogation. Quiñones preys...Read more
January 18, 2022 • 44m
Luna springs a surprise on Ángeles. When Jesús learns Quiñones is leaving for Spain, he realizes he can't let him escape without punishment.
January 19, 2022 • 43m
Quiñones lures Vicente's mother to his bedroom. Malverde pays a visit to Juanelo at Vicente's store. Nazario considers sharing his...Read more
January 20, 2022 • 43m
China reunites with an injured Amalio. Lucrecia and Mathías' wedding day arrives. Malverde sets in motion his final plan to punish Quiñones.
January 21, 2022 • 43m
Luna gets a summons by telegram. On the train to Veracruz, a mysterious woman catches Quiñones' eye. Vicente abuses his authority and arrests Mathías.
January 24, 2022 • 44m
Güera takes her place as lady of the hacienda. Eleuterio carries out an order to stop Luna from reporting Vicente to Díaz. Jesús h...Read more
January 25, 2022 • 44m
When Isabel is locked up for trying to get her son back, Malverde leads a risky mission to rescue them both. Vicente shocks the town with his tyranny.
January 26, 2022 • 42m
Jesús sacrifices his own freedom for that of Isabel, Nacho and Mathías. When Vicente orders him hanged, the townspeople come together to fight back.