January 20, 2019 • 47m
Ainsley's first stop is Jamaica. He visits Coronation Market, where farmers from all over Jamaica head at the weekends to sell the...Read more
January 27, 2019 • 47m
Carrying on his Caribbean adventure in Jamaica, Ainsley takes to the water of the Martha Brae river to learn about the area and th...Read more
February 3, 2019 • 47m
Ainsley is in Trinidad where he heads to the market for fantastic local ingredients to make a grilled tamarind tofu with callaloo ...Read more
February 10, 2019 • 47m
Ainsley continues his culinary trip in Tobago, where cooks up curried crab with roti. Later, he checks out the catch of the day fo...Read more
February 17, 2019 • 47m
Ainsley is in Grenada, where he learns about the island’s biggest export nutmeg. He uses it to whip up a creamy nutmeg sauce which...Read more