Season 2 (2015)

The Bad Sleep Well (1960) - The Geometry of a Scene

January 28, 2015 • 7m

One of Akira Kurosawa’s many gifts was staging scenes in ways that were bold, simple and visual. I’m working on a longer essay abo...Read more

Drive (2011) - The Quadrant System

January 30, 2015 • 7m

One of the many pleasures of Nicolas Winding Refn’s “Drive” (2011) is that the shots feel both tightly composed and weirdly unpred...Read more

Akira Kurosawa - Composing Movement

March 19, 2015 • 7m

Can movement tell a story? Sure, if you’re as gifted as Akira Kurosawa. More than any other filmmaker, he had an innate understand...Read more

F For Fake (1973) - How to Structure a Video Essay

March 31, 2015 • 7m

If you want to make video essays, there’s no better film to study than Orson Welles’ 1973 masterpiece, F for Fake. There are a mil...Read more

Lynne Ramsay - The Poetry of Details

May 7, 2015 • 7m

What can one detail tell us about a scene? If you’re Lynne Ramsay: absolutely everything. Today I consider the poetic possibilitie...Read more

In Praise of Chairs

May 29, 2015 • 7m

One of the great things about detailed production design is that it pays off in unexpected ways. So today I explore the weird poss...Read more

Chuck Jones - The Evolution of an Artist

July 16, 2015 • 7m

If you grew up watching Looney Tunes, then you know Chuck Jones, one of all-time masters of visual comedy. Normally I would talk a...Read more

Vancouver Never Plays Itself

September 9, 2015 • 7m

Perhaps no other city has been as thoroughly hidden from modern filmmaking as Vancouver, my hometown. Today, it’s the third bigges...Read more

Buster Keaton - The Art of the Gag

November 21, 2015 • 7m

Before Edgar Wright and Wes Anderson, before Chuck Jones and Jackie Chan, there was Buster Keaton, one of the founding fathers of ...Read more

Memories of Murder (2003) - Ensemble Staging

December 30, 2015 • 7m

How do you emphasize to the audience that something is important? Well, you could always cut to a close-up, but how about somethin...Read more