April 7, 2018 • 15m
Shuhei Morita is a renowned digital animator who brings a distinctively Asian aesthetic to his magic realist works. He got his bre...Read more
May 5, 2018 • 15m
Kouhei Nakama is a computer animator who is in high demand around the world. From ultra-realistic abstract objects to beautiful de...Read more
June 2, 2018 • 15m
Keisuke Matsumoto has a passionate online fan base thanks to his 2 ongoing web animated series. His works are known for their cute...Read more
July 7, 2018 • 15m
Masaki Okuda is an animator who uses metamorphosis to create a satisfying harmony of music and movement -- and to demonstrate his ...Read more
August 4, 2018 • 15m
Jun Aoki creates anime intended to entertain viewers with bright characters. His stories are simple, and they feature setups desig...Read more
September 1, 2018 • 15m
Hoji Tsuchiya specializes in cutout animation. This technique gives him the freedom to create some truly inventive visual worlds, ...Read more
October 6, 2018 • 15m
Tomoki Misato is a young up-and-coming animator who has already won numerous awards at festivals around the world. He creates stop...Read more
November 3, 2018 • 15m
Hiroshi Miyamoto is an up-and-coming director at a major animation company who has helmed 2 feature-length films based on the Pret...Read more
December 1, 2018 • 15m
NuQ is a popular artist who works primarily in fashion advertising and music videos. She uses colorful hand-drawn animations that ...Read more