Season 6 (2004)

Baby Da Vinci: From Head to Toe

August 9, 2004 • 31m

From the day their eyes open, babies begin to observe new things around the world. Baby Da Vinci™ From Head to Toe presents them w...Read more

Baby Galileo: Discovering the Sky

January 14, 2003 • 27m

As little ones grow, their innate sense of wonder grows too, creating an occasion for celebration with each new discovery. Baby Ga...Read more

Baby Neptune: Discovering Water

October 9, 2002 • 23m

Within a baby's first year of life, new experiences can transform what might otherwise seem to be ordinary events into exciting op...Read more

Neptune's Oceans

November 23, 2011 • 25m

Dive in with your little explorer across the seas to meet amazing animals living in the ocean, coral reef, and polar regions. Over...Read more