June 2, 2009 • 1h
Mary takes on a struggling London bakery in a battle that ends in tears when she encounters one of the feistiest shopkeepers yet. ...Read more
June 9, 2009 • 1h
Mary tackles Chris and Juliet, a London couple who are running a beautiful Dorset village shop into the ground. The couple bought ...Read more
June 16, 2009 • 1h
Mary focuses upon the most endangered sector of all - greengrocers. She finds a store in Merseyside on its knees, and takes on thr...Read more
June 28, 2010 • 1h
Mary battles to save a Kingston homeware shop living on borrowed time. Their 1970s stock is shockingly bad, the hippy owners are f...Read more
July 5, 2010 • 1h
Mary takes on an 80s hairdressing legend whose business is facing the chop. She is in Rochdale, one of the cities worst hit during...Read more
July 12, 2010 • 1h
Mary tries to fix a broken down Surrey DIY store - but the owner seems to have a screw loose! He's seems to have forgotten the nut...Read more