Season 2021 (2021)

What Happened to the World's Biggest Beaver?

January 13, 2021 • 10m

It’s important to us that you understand how big this beaver was. Just like modern beavers, it was semiaquatic -- it lived both on...Read more

The Reign of the Hell Ants

January 21, 2021 • 10m

This ancient species had the same six legs and segmented body that we’d recognize from an ant today. But it also had a huge, scyth...Read more

The Pandemic That Lasted 15 Million Years

January 28, 2021 • 10m

Our DNA holds evidence of a huge, ancient pandemic, one that touched many different species, spanned the globe, and lasted for mor...Read more

When We First Talked

February 11, 2021 • 10m

The evolution of our ability to speak is its own epic saga and it’s worth pausing to appreciate that. It’s taken several million y...Read more

The Return of Giant Skin-Shell Sea Turtles

February 17, 2021 • 10m

The biggest turtle ever described wasn’t an ancestor of today’s leatherback turtles or any other living sea turtles. But it looks ...Read more

The Genes We Lost Along the Way

February 24, 2021 • 10m

Our DNA holds thousands of dead genes and we’ve only just begun to unravel their stories. But one thing is already clear: we’re no...Read more

Our Bizarre, Possibly Venomous, Relative

March 10, 2021 • 10m

It's possible Euchambersia possessed venom about 20 million years before the first lizards and over 150 million years before the f...Read more

How Worm Holes Ended Wormworld

March 18, 2021 • 10m

Elongated tubes, flat ribbons, and other “worm-like” body plans were so varied and abundant that a part of the Ediacaran is someti...Read more

How Humans Became (Mostly) Right-Handed

March 24, 2021 • 10m

No other placental mammal that we know of prefers one side of the body so consistently, not even our closest primate relatives. Bu...Read more

How Chilis Got Spicy (and Why We Love the Burn)

April 7, 2021 • 10m

Today, chilis are the most widely cultivated spice crop in the world - grown everywhere from their native home in the Americas to ...Read more

How To Survive the Little Ice Age

April 20, 2021 • 10m

Nunalleq, a village in what’s today southwest Alaska, seemed to have thrived during the Little Ice Age. How did this village manag...Read more

When Crocs Thrived in the Seas

April 29, 2021 • 10m

While dinosaurs were dominating the land, the metriorhynchids were thriving in the seas. But taking that plunge wasn’t easy becaus...Read more

When Trees Took Over the World

May 12, 2021 • 10m

420 million years ago, the forest floor of what's now New York was covered with a plant that didn’t look like a tree at all, excep...Read more

How Weasels Got Skinny

May 20, 2021 • 10m

Weasels have an extreme body plan that may push the boundaries of what’s metabolically possible. So when and how did this happen? ...Read more

Where Are All The Squid Fossils?

June 3, 2021 • 10m

It might surprise you but cephalopods have a pretty good fossil record, with one major exception. If squids were swimming around i...Read more

Did These Giant Sloths Poop Themselves to Death?

July 14, 2021 • 10m

At Tanque Loma, at least 22 giant ground sloths in the genus Eremotherium met their end. Of the five hypotheses that researchers p...Read more

The Traits That Spawned the Age of Mammals

July 21, 2021 • 10m

Lots of the traits we think of as defining us as mammals show up pretty early, during the time of the dinosaurs. And, in some case...Read more

The Island of the Last Surviving Mammoths

July 29, 2021 • 10m

The Wrangel Island mammoths would end up being the final survivors of a once-widespread genus. In their final years, after having ...Read more

Where Are All the Medium-Sized Dinosaurs?

August 12, 2021 • 10m

The remains of medium-sized predatory dinosaurs are pretty rare in places where giant predators like T. rex existed. Which is weir...Read more

How the Starfish Got Its Arms

August 24, 2021 • 10m

The story of how the starfish got its arms reminds us that even animals that might be familiar to us today can have incredibly dee...Read more

The Creature That Stumped Darwin

September 1, 2021 • 10m

Toxodon was one of the last members of a lineage that vanished 11,000 years ago after thriving in isolation for millions of years....Read more

How Pollination Got Going Twice

September 16, 2021 • 10m

The world of the Jurassic was a lot like ours - similar interactions between plants and insects were happening, but the players ha...Read more

How a Supervolcano Ignited an Evolutionary Debate

September 23, 2021 • 10m

The Toba supervolcano was the biggest explosive eruption of the last 2.5 million years. And humans were around to see it, or at le...Read more

How a Mass Extinction Event Created the Amazon

September 29, 2021 • 10m

The Amazon rainforest of South America is a paradise for flowering plants. But long ago, the landscape that we now think of as the...Read more

When Mammals Only Went Out At Night

October 7, 2021 • 10m

For decades, scientists believed dinosaurs were diurnal and tiny mammals were nocturnal. But as researchers have uncovered more ma...Read more

How Ancient Whales May Have Changed the Deep Ocean

October 21, 2021 • 10m

It looks like the evolution of ocean-going whales like Borealodon may have affected communities found in the deep ocean, like the ...Read more

How Dinosaurs Coupled Up

October 28, 2021 • 10m

Dinosaur mating behavior has been the subject of a lot of speculation, but what can we actually say about it from the fossil record?

When It Was Too Hot for Leaves

November 17, 2021 • 10m

Plants first made their way onto land at least 470 million years ago but for their first 80 million years, leaves as we know them ...Read more

Why The Paleo Diet Couldn't Save The Neanderthals

December 2, 2021 • 10m

These relatives of ours lived in Eurasia for more than 300,000 years. They were expert toolmakers, using materials like stone, woo...Read more

The Fossil Record In Your Mouth

December 9, 2021 • 10m

The hardened residue scraped off your teeth at the dentist is called your dental calculus, and your dental calculus is the only pa...Read more

When Pterosaurs Walked

December 16, 2021 • 10m

If you know one thing about pterosaurs, it’s that they’re flyers. And while pterosaurs may be well-known for their domination of t...Read more