November 25, 2021 • 24m
A regular kid named Johnny Bolt suddenly finds that he can control electricity. Soon enough, he starts testing the limits of his newfound powers.
November 25, 2021 • 24m
As soon as he's released from prison, Johnny meets up with his old supervillain friends, who try to pull him into a very intriguing gem heist.
November 25, 2021 • 24m
Things don't go as planned with the heist, and Johnny and the crew end up getting chased by cops and superheroes through the streets of San Francisco.
November 25, 2021 • 24m
Johnny and his friends are confronted by Praetorian, a superhero who relishes using his seemingly endless abilities to punish them.
November 25, 2021 • 24m
In Chicago, Carmine introduces Johnny and Kasey to the other supervillains. They've all been chosen for their specific powers and ...Read more
November 25, 2021 • 24m
Carmine and his crew steal a plane and fly off to rescue TK, who's on a heavily guarded aircraft protected by Gladiator.
November 25, 2021 • 24m
While waiting for the final member of their crew to show up, Carmine shares his plan with everyone else and gives them one last chance to drop out.
November 25, 2021 • 24m
The night before hitting the Union of Justice headquarters, Johnny and Kasey have an early celebration and vow to walk away from c...Read more
November 25, 2021 • 24m
While confronting their old friend Praetorian, Carmine and the crew realize they've made a major miscalculation and have to think on their feet.
November 25, 2021 • 24m
Johnny's old supervillain buddies take him out for a celebration and as usual, try to pull him into one last harebrained job.
November 25, 2021 • 24m
To save Carmine, Johnny tries to get the crew back together for another heist he's planned using information he gathered while ser...Read more
November 25, 2021 • 24m
Kasey and Roddy disguise themselves as professors for a meeting with Christopher Matts while Carmine, Johnny, TK and Josh case the casino.
November 25, 2021 • 24m
Christopher Matts sends Praetorian to stop Johnny and his crew — but this time, the supervillains have Gladiator on their side.