September 30, 1979 • 30m
Newly-widowed Audrey fforbes-Hamilton, rejoicing in finding herself the sole owner of Grantleigh Manor Estate, is devastated to fi...Read more
October 7, 1979 • 30m
The staff of Grantleigh Manor bid Audrey farewell with evident relief at her departure, only to find out the well kept secret of w...Read more
October 14, 1979 • 30m
Audrey berates Richard for failing to attend church at the Manor chapel on his first Sunday at Grantleigh, as well as lecturing hi...Read more
October 21, 1979 • 30m
Audrey is appalled at Richard's plans to remodel the Manor, including his removal of the old fireplaces, though she never especial...Read more
October 28, 1979 • 30m
Richard uses psychology to trick Audrey into organizing the annual Hunt Ball at Grantleigh, then becomes so distracted by ongoing ...Read more
November 4, 1979 • 30m
No longer able to afford an annual holiday to an exotic locale, Audrey pretends to leave for Spain while actually hiding inside th...Read more
November 11, 1979 • 30m
Richard is chosen to star in a tv commercial as the quintessential English gentleman enjoying spirits at his country estate, but A...Read more
December 25, 1979 • 30m
Audrey and Richard engage in battle yet again, this time to see who can provide the best Christmas creche to the local church, Aud...Read more