April 22, 2019 • 21m
When Mikeys daddy scores a rugby league contract, he upends their lives in New Zealand, plonking them in Western Sydney. Mikey sta...Read more
April 23, 2019 • 23m
Tiff loses a handball battle to Salwa, so she uploads an embarrassing video of Ms Crapper and frames Salwa. Salwa is then banned f...Read more
April 24, 2019 • 22m
Bullfrogs footy stars visit school and Daddy is their new recruit. A badly aimed handball from Salwa gets her banned from SASI-WES...Read more
April 25, 2019 • 21m
Jerry and Salwa join forces to train Mikey in handball and his power is epic, but his aim needs serious work.
April 26, 2019 • 24m
Jerry and Salwa lock horns training Mikey. Daddy has his Bullfrogs' debut, but when he misses an important tackle, Mikey cheers Da...Read more
April 27, 2019 • 23m
It's handball tournament day and Mikey, Salwa and Jerry perform an awesome rap in team outfits Jerry has made. The Battle of Block...Read more
April 28, 2019 • 23m
With Auntie stuck in traffic at a Lebanese wedding, Mikey, Salwa and Jerry must race to an office to register for SASIs or Mikey's out.
April 29, 2019 • 23m
Mikey, Jerry and Salwa head to the beach on the weekend in search of the elusive handball oracle, Z-Pop. They embark on a journey ...Read more
April 30, 2019 • 24m
A failed trial of digital locks on the doors at school results in the longest 29 minutes ever. Everyone is locked in their rooms, ...Read more
May 1, 2019 • 24m
When Mikey, Tiffany and Salwa attend a workshop by World Handball Champion Gary Garrison at Tiff's posh old school, things don't quite go to plan.
May 2, 2019 • 23m
Ms Crapper wants to ban Mikey from SASI-WESTS-HAT, but the kids create a makeshift court to decide if that should happen.
May 3, 2019 • 21m
Mikey feels betrayed by his friends and is ready to quit SASI-WESTS-HAT, but Salwa says Howie was a good lie and Jerry tries to apologise.
May 4, 2019 • 22m
It's the day of SASI-WESTS-HAT and everyone is there to see who will take out the trophy and be crowned Best in the West.