Season 1 (2015)

Savanna Life

November 16, 2015

Covering more than 12 million square miles, the savanna is a vast biome that makes up almost half of Africa's surface. But this ic...Read more

Meet the Meerkats

November 16, 2015

Meerkats may be small and vulnerable, but they're also tenacious creatures that thrive in the unforgiving Kalahari Desert. From sp...Read more

Dung Beetle: Nature's Recycler

November 16, 2015

As a creature that thrives on waste, the dung beetle is easy to dismiss. But it's actually a key player in the Serengeti's ecosyst...Read more

Africa's Big Cats

May 12, 2016

Covering nearly 8,000 square miles of diverse habitats, South Africa's Kruger National Park is home to an abundance of wildlife, m...Read more

Africa's Big Five

May 17, 2016

Five of Africa's key species--the lion, rhino, leopard, buffalo, and elephant--thrive thanks to a variety of adaptations. Power in...Read more

Springbok & Impala: Life in the Herd

June 18, 2016

With few exceptions, impala and springbok almost never live in the same habitat, and yet these herd grazers share a surprising amo...Read more

The Hamadryas of Awash

September 15, 2016

The hamadryas baboons of Ethiopia's Awash National Park are resourceful, resilient, and, in the case of their resident alpha male,...Read more

Life in the Leftovers

October 7, 2016

The hunting habits of lions and hyenas create a domino effect on the savanna that sustains many animals along the food chain. Lear...Read more