Season 1 (2018)

A Terrible Precedent

March 30, 2018 • 50m

The Second World War was the closest the world has come to a complete total war. But it was in the interwar years that nations hon...Read more

Arsenal of Democracy

November 6, 2018 • 50m

Total War demands resources - economic, agricultural and industrial. When it became clear that strategies of appeasement would not...Read more

Unprecedented, Unmerciful and Unrelenting

November 7, 2018 • 50m

WWII shattered the boundaries between battlefield and homefront in much of the world. We examine the impact of occupation and the ...Read more

Fear of the Air

November 13, 2018 • 50m

In WWII, civilians became defenders against and targets of aerial warfare on a scale that had never before been seen.

Rejoice in Life

November 14, 2018 • 50m

WWII was not the cause of the Holocaust, but it did provide a means for its execution. Episode #5 explores what role total war pla...Read more

Enduring Peace

November 20, 2018 • 50m

The end of WWII was met with destruction and liberation, relief mixed with grief. In its wake, tens of millions were dead and millions more displaced.