January 1, 1981 • 5m
How can someone lift a very heavy load? If one could slice the load into pieces, that would trade increased distance for decrease...Read more
January 1, 1970 • 5m
A teeter-totter is the perfect demonstration of the lever, particularly if you are trying to ride a teeter-totter with someone hea...Read more
January 1, 1970 • 5m
Two professors compete to see who can lift a book with a lesser amount of force. The professor who uses a lever is more efficient...Read more
January 1, 1970 • 5m
All machines in the world can be traced to just two: the inclined plane and the lever. Even the wheel is just a circular lever wh...Read more
January 1, 1970 • 5m
Jack and Jill went up the hill and found a problem: how can they pull a pail of water from the bottom of a well? In this expanded...Read more
January 1, 1970 • 5m
The first of six shows on heat and temperature, introduces molecules. Even though a solid object looks motionless, its molecules ...Read more
January 1, 1970 • 5m
This episode sacrifices a chocolate rabbit on a hot day to illustrate the movement of molecules in liquids.
January 1, 1970 • 5m
No end of problems await the man who keeps fish for pets. Evaporation forces one to refill the tank. And he who thinks he can ou...Read more
January 1, 1970 • 5m
This lecture-packed show compares a balloon to a bunch of angry wasps to explain why gases expand and contract. It goes further t...Read more
January 1, 1970 • 5m
Given three bathtubs of varying temperature, the star of the show ""blunts"" his feet so that they can't tell temperature. Sure t...Read more
January 1, 1970 • 5m
What is better to warm up a kiddie pool: a teacup of boiling water (100° Celsius) or a bucket of water at 50° Celsius? The answer...Read more
January 1, 1970 • 5m
There's more to matter than the molecules we had spent discussing in the previous six shows. This fourth unit produces that first look at atoms.
January 1, 1970 • 5m
An atom is made of mostly empty space. The electrons in an atom zoom around at fantastic speeds to create existence out of someth...Read more
January 1, 1970 • 5m
All objects conduct heat, of course, but get a look at objects from the atomic level and you'll see why some objects conduct heat faster than others.
January 1, 1970 • 5m
To set up audiences for The Convection of Heat, this question is posed: how can you fit eight junky cars into a small space?
January 1, 1970 • 5m
How come an anchor is easier to lift if it's in the water than in open air? It lies in the density of an object versus a certain quantity of water.
January 1, 1970 • 5m
Now that the Principle of Buoyancy is understood, one can fully grasp The Convection of Heat. This is demonstrated with a furnace...Read more
January 1, 1970 • 5m
An animated Count Rumford demonstrates, for the first time, how heat can be used to produce energy. The show converts a Calorie a...Read more
January 1, 1970 • 5m
Why does somebody stand in the shade on a hot day? This show introduces the third method by which heat can be transferred: radiation.
January 1, 1970 • 5m
Is it just your imagination that you are warmer when you wear dark clothes over white clothes? That actually sets off a reveliati...Read more