Pointer 2023 (2023)

De aanpak van laaggeletterdheid

January 15, 2023 • 26m

In the Netherlands, 2.5 million people have difficulty with reading, writing and/or arithmetic, which prevents them from fully par...Read more

Student zoekt kamer

January 22, 2023 • 26m

Homes with vermin and mold, sleeping in a tent on a campsite or spending hours on the train to attend a lecture. Students accept a...Read more

Honger in de klas

January 29, 2023 • 26m

Last fall, a shock went through the Netherlands when it turned out that children in our rich country were going to school without ...Read more

De geestelijke gezondheidszorg moet op de schop

February 5, 2023 • 26m

Anyone waiting for help with psychological suffering must have a lot of patience. There are currently 85,000 people on a mental he...Read more

Pointer Special: Listig maar legaal

February 9, 2023 • 17m

There are countless jubilant stories about the Healy on Facebook and YouTube. A small device that you can clip to your sweater or ...Read more

Heeft het broodtrommeltje zijn langste tijd gehad?

February 12, 2023 • 26m

Millions are released for emergency aid because children are hungry in class. This is a temporary solution to a problem that has b...Read more

Worden de onveilige huizen in Groningen nu wél versterkt?

February 20, 2023 • 26m

Last year, the parliamentary committee of inquiry investigated how the people of Groningen could have ended up in earthquake miser...Read more

Vervoersarmoede: minder bussen, minder kansen

February 25, 2023 • 26m

Bus transport is under pressure, especially in rural areas. Almost empty buses are not profitable for the carrier, but the quality...Read more

Waarom slapen we zo slecht?

March 4, 2023 • 26m

In the Netherlands, 1.3 million people sometimes or regularly work at night. Wonderfully quiet, some say. But that will cost you y...Read more

Extra: Jaagt de provincie ons de auto in?

March 9, 2023 • 15m

To achieve the climate goals, diesel buses in regional transport are being replaced by green buses. At the same time, large parts ...Read more

Wie stopt de bouwstop?

March 12, 2023 • 25m

The housing shortage is great and house prices are still high. And yet we are not building new houses at a high pace. The opposite...Read more

Jaren te veel huur betalen door fout energielabel

March 18, 2023 • 26m

We are in the city of Groningen, where some tenants have been paying too much for years because the energy label on their home is ...Read more

Jeugdcriminaliteit verhardt en verjongt. Valt het tij nog te keren?

March 26, 2023 • 26m

Young people are ending up behind bars at an increasingly young age and the crimes for which they are imprisoned are becoming more...Read more

Jonge kinderen zitten in de stress over toetsen. Waar komt die druk vandaan?

April 2, 2023 • 25m

The final test is coming again for group 8. That means pale faces, short fuses and stomach aches, teachers say. But it's not just ...Read more

Kunnen we vrouwenmoord voorkomen?

April 6, 2023 • 16m

The 'red flags' for intimate partner murder have been known for decades. For example, you are seven times more likely to die if yo...Read more

De vogelgriep: wíe ruimt de dode wilde vogels op?

April 8, 2023 • 26m

Animal ambulances fear a bird flu pandemic. They already clean up dozens of infected dead wild birds every day, often at their own...Read more

Wonen op een vakantiepark

April 15, 2023 • 26m

Maaike lives with her family - against the rules of the municipality - at a holiday park. The municipality has started to enforce ...Read more

Gehandicaptenzorg: waar moeten mensen met ernstige handicaps wonen?

April 23, 2023 • 26m

While 24-hour care becomes increasingly demanding, many parents choose to keep their child with severe multiple disabilities at ho...Read more

Waar gaan we bouwen?

April 30, 2023 • 25m

We need houses and developers like to build them in meadows. There is a beautiful polder ready for you near Alphen aan de Rijn. Bu...Read more

Extra: De Vergeten Graven

May 3, 2023 • 16m

After the Second World War, many synagogues and Jewish cemeteries were lost. Since 2020, Pointer has been conducting research into...Read more

File op het stroomnet

May 6, 2023 • 26m

We are working hard on sustainability in the Netherlands. That is why we use more and more electricity and generate more electrici...Read more

Zorgen om dementiezorgwoningen

May 14, 2023 • 26m

The number of people requiring intensive care due to dementia will increase in the coming years, but no additional places may be a...Read more

Jonge gedetineerden gaan vaak opnieuw de fout in

May 21, 2023 • 26m

The main purpose of a prison sentence for minors is resocialization. When young people are outside again, they must have received ...Read more

Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat jonge ex-gedetineerden niet opnieuw de fout ingaan?

May 21, 2023 • 26m

The main purpose of a prison sentence for minors is resocialization. When young people are outside again, they must have received ...Read more

Geld of klimaat? Dit dorp worstelt met die vraag

May 28, 2023 • 26m

Who says Schoonebeek, says oil extraction. However, the Drenthe village no longer appears to be as unanimous about this industry a...Read more

Met welke omstreden projecten compenseren gemeenten hun aardgasverbruik?

June 1, 2023 • 18m

Greenhouse gas emissions must be drastically reduced if we are to achieve the climate goals. But what if it is much easier and che...Read more

Slachtoffers uitbuiting en seksueel geweld in de kou

June 13, 2023 • 19m

Women who are victims of domestic violence, sexual exploitation or sexual violence are hardly seen by the police and social servic...Read more

Helpt onze toetscultuur het leesplezier om zeep?

September 17, 2023 • 26m

Dutch children do not like to read. In terms of reading pleasure, our ten-year-olds are somewhere at the bottom of the internation...Read more

Extra: Boeren met tovervloeren

September 21, 2023 • 17m

Thousands of farmers have invested in expensive sustainable stable floors in recent years and have thus been able to increase thei...Read more

Wie controleert de natuurcontrole?

September 24, 2023 • 26m

Citizens are shocked when the municipality of Westerveld creates a cycle path through the middle of a nature reserve. This constru...Read more

Wat gebeurt er achter de coulissen van de klassieke muziek?

October 1, 2023 • 26m

For many people, classical music has the image of decent, neat and perhaps a bit boring. Masterpieces are played by the best orche...Read more

Bewoners ongerust over uitdijende vakantieparken

October 8, 2023 • 26m

We like to go on holiday in our own country or a weekend away to the forest, the heath or the sea. Holiday homes are extremely pop...Read more

Wie draait erop voor de schade na dijkwerkzaamheden?

October 15, 2023 • 26m

By 2050, 1,500 kilometers of dikes must be reinforced in the Netherlands. Our country is vulnerable now that sea levels are rising...Read more

Extra: De autonome droom

October 19, 2023 • 17m

Autonomous or sovereign citizens believe that Dutch laws and regulations do not apply to them and that the government should not e...Read more

Verslaafd op doktersrecept

October 22, 2023 • 26m

Over the past twenty years, the number of users of opioids, heavy painkillers, has increased enormously in the Netherlands. Warned...Read more

Mantelzorg: wie betaalt de rekening?

October 29, 2023 • 26m

Combining informal care and work: it is a tough and sometimes almost impossible combination. Many informal caregivers therefore wo...Read more

Talent gemist op school

November 5, 2023 • 26m

We have a major shortage of professionals, especially in construction and healthcare. Yet children are not encouraged to learn a p...Read more

Hoe veilig is het op het conservatorium?

November 9, 2023 • 26m

For many people, classical music has the image of being reasonable, neat and perhaps even a bit boring. Pieces are sometimes hundr...Read more

Pointer factcheckt de verkiezingen

November 16, 2023 • 16m

The campaign for the House of Representatives elections is in full swing and the battle for the voters' favor is flying back and f...Read more

Kinderen op e-bikes: superleuk of slecht idee?

November 19, 2023 • 35m

The e-bike is hip. It has become an indispensable part of the cycle path and, especially since the arrival of the fat bike, more a...Read more

Schulden vroeger in beeld

November 26, 2023 • 26m

One in five Dutch households faces financial problems. To reduce that number and prevent people from getting into trouble due to e...Read more

Arbeidsmigrant als wegwerpproduct?

November 30, 2023 • 26m

Migrant workers die due to illness and lose work and often find themselves in a pinch. They do not know their way around the Dutch...Read more

Wordt de dierenarts onbetaalbaar?

December 10, 2023 • 25m

The vet is becoming increasingly expensive. Commercialism has taken over the care of animals and that is bad news for pet owners. ...Read more

Stille dreiging: Russische spionage voor onze kust

December 14, 2023 • 16m

Russian spy ships secretly visit our coast. For days they lie quietly in our part of the North Sea above important data cables, ga...Read more

Piepende oren

December 17, 2023 • 25m

The Health Council recommended a year ago that the volume knob should be lowered. Yet that doesn't happen. Is there enough attenti...Read more

Vallen vrouwen onnodig uit door de overgang?

December 24, 2023 • 25m

Hot flashes, muscle pain, mental problems... More attention is finally being paid to menopausal complaints. Famous Dutch people ma...Read more