Season 1 (1992)

The Origin Story (1)

November 17, 1992

Three teenagers from different parts of the world find themselves transported to a tropical island, where a buried spaceship hides...Read more

The Origin Story (2)

November 24, 1992

Kevin and Lisa experiment with their powers of teleportation. The government is interested in the paranormal abilities being shown...Read more

The Origin Story (3)

November 30, 1992

Megabyte helps Lisa escape, but is himself captured by the government, who mistake him for a teleporter.

The Origin Story (4)

December 7, 1992

The government, the military, and an eccentric old lady all want to get their hands on the Tomorrow People.

The Origin Story (5)

December 15, 1992

With Adam and Lisa captured, Megabyte turns to his father for help.