April 30, 1993 • 1m
Canadian heroine Laura Secord aids the British in the War of 1812 with an overland trek to warn of an American military advance.
April 30, 1993 • 1m
Philosopher of communication theory Marshall McLuhan coins the phrases "the medium is the message" and "global village."
April 30, 1993 • 1m
Inventor Guglielmo Marconi receives the first trans-Atlantic radio signals in Newfoundland and is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.
April 30, 1993 • 1m
The band of this famous French Canadian regiment rehearses for the first performance of O Canada in 1880 at Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day celebrations.
April 30, 1993 • 1m
What thoughts ran through Louis Riel's mind as he stood on the scaffold, waiting for the trap door to open to his death?
April 30, 1993 • 1m
Journalist and government official Étienne Parent demands equality for French and English.
April 30, 1993 • 1m
A young Chinese Canadian risks his life helping to build the Canadian Pacific Railway.
April 30, 1993 • 1m
Engineer and inventor Sir Sandford Fleming develops the system of international standard time.
April 30, 1993 • 1m
Considered one of the "cathedrals" of ice hockey, the construction and history of the Maple Leaf Gardens is featured.
April 30, 1993 • 1m
Engineer Thomas Wardrope Eadie develops the Trans Canada Microwave telecommunications network.
April 30, 1993 • 1m
Inventor Joseph-Armand Bombardier and the beginnings of his passion for engineering.
April 30, 1993 • 1m
Miner Maurice Ruddick recounts the 1958 Springhill mine disaster.
April 30, 1993 • 1m
An Inukshuk a stone landmark or cairn is built on Baffin Island.
April 30, 1993 • 1m
The story of how Mary Travers becomes a famed popular singer in Quebec.
April 30, 1993 • 1m
Major General and police official Sam Steele (portrayed by Alan Scarfe) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police bars an unruly Americ...Read more