March 31, 1991 • 1m
An African American escapes to Canada along the Underground Railroad.
March 31, 1991 • 1m
Three men from Pine Street in Winnipeg win the Victoria Cross in World War I, and the street's name is changed to Valour Road in their honour.
March 31, 1991 • 1m
Jacques Plante becomes the first NHL player to wear a goaltender mask in regular play.
March 31, 1991 • 1m
Jennie Trout becomes Canada's first woman doctor.
March 31, 1991 • 1m
Comic book artist Joe Shuster, en route to visit his cousin, Frank Shuster, creates Superman.
March 31, 1991 • 1m
Canadian peacekeepers are stationed in Cyprus to help diffuse tension between Greek and Turkish Cypriots.
March 31, 1991 • 1m
Queen Victoria decides to grant Canada responsible government after the crushing of the Rebellions of 1837.
March 31, 1991 • 1m
Prairie settlers build a house of sod.
March 31, 1991 • 1m
Feminist, politician, and social activist Nellie McClung demands the right to vote in Manitoba.
March 31, 1991 • 1m
French Canadian families adopt Irish orphans in the 1850s while allowing them to maintain part of their Irish heritage.
March 31, 1991 • 1m
French navigator and explorer Jacques Cartier misunderstands some Natives resulting in the name Canada.
March 31, 1991 • 1m
Train dispatcher Vince Coleman sacrifices his own life to save a train from the Halifax Explosion.
March 31, 1991 • 1m
A Montreal neurosurgeon makes ground-breaking advances in the treatment of seizure disorders.