June 19, 2017
Featured segments include: The First Skit Ever, Camper!, Claudettes, Jake vs the Hook, Are You Me?!, Are You Really a Nurse?, Dwig...Read more
January 29, 2018
Featured segments include: Ready Up!, Pharmacy, Jake vs The Cannibal, Hex: Ruin, Me Smell Noobs, Pallet Loop, Freddy Time, What is...Read more
September 10, 2018
Featured segments include: Trapper the Survivor, She Got Tapped, I'm Tripping Balls, Laurie vs The Hag, The Pig, Hatch Camper, and Killer's Meeting
November 12, 2018
Featured segments include: The Great Escape, Slipper Meat, The Nurse Explains, Jake vs The Hillbilly, The Doc is Annoying, and Killer's Meeting
February 11, 2019
Featured segments include: Here's Frank!, Alpha Team SWF, Tapp Meets Huntress, Bill vs The Spirit, and Killer's Meeting.
April 22, 2019
Featured segments include: Jane Romero Meets The Plague, Head-On, Nea The Girl, You Husband Now!, and Killer's Meeting.
July 15, 2019
Featured segments include: Oh Happy Days!, The Rulebook, The End Game, and The Wedding.
October 28, 2019
Featured segments include: Freddy's Back, Here Comes The Demo, Lobby Error 01, Divorce, Lobby Error 02, Hello There Ladies, Killer...Read more
December 23, 2019
Featured segments include: Sweaty Tunneling Tryhard, Tylanal, Yui Flexes, Live from SNL, Claudette Origins, Jake vs a Crow, Huntre...Read more
April 1, 2020
Featured segments include: New Killer, Raid Bug Spray, Stunning, Shell Head, The Doctor Begins, The Jane Romero Show, and Saloon Meeting.
July 27, 2020
Featured segments include: Back to School, Friendly Killer, Return of The Pig, Challenge Gone Wild, The NeverEnding Story, Killer'...Read more