Season 1 (2011)

Age of Invasions

February 20, 2011

Areas discussed in the opening episode include the impact of early Christianity and monasticism in Ireland; the birth of Ireland's...Read more

Age of Conquest

February 27, 2011

As the English set foot in Ireland, there begins 800 years of British rule. This episode examines the Anglo-Norman invasion of Ire...Read more

Age of Revolution

March 6, 2011

Spanning the Ulster Plantation to the Act of Union, this is an era that sees Ireland take centre stage in a much wider European co...Read more

Age of Union

March 13, 2011

A new area for exploration is Ireland's role in the British Empire - both in terms of military service - Irish regiments holding t...Read more

Age of Nations

March 20, 2011

The Boer War is of much forgotten significance to the Irish story in the early 20th Century. A strong theme in the programme is th...Read more