1984/03/05 - 1984/03/30 • Ended • 1 Seasons • Cantonese
Master Cheung gets injured after fighting with the cult leader Suen Ci. He runs away and meets his future apprentice Szeto Man Mo, as well as the government official’s daughter Lam Chor Yin. Mo is engaged to Yin but he is not devoted to her at all. Even though Yin loves him wholeheartedly, Mo deserts her on their wedding day. Soon after, Mo falls for an actress Fa Ying Fung, knowing nothing of her veil of deceit. After being hurt seriously by Fung, Mo realizes that Yin is his true love and he returns to her eventually. Unfortunately, Yin’s spirit is captured by Ci on their wedding night. In order to rescue his wife, Mo starts practicing black magic but this leads to disastrous outcomes.
Creator(s) : N/A
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