October 9, 1969 • 30m
Nellie finds herself bedridden and bedsore. But, she says, it's all a mistake. Eli had the symptoms - why should she end up in the blanket-bath?
October 16, 1969 • 30m
The problems of parenthood arrive at the Pledge's home in the form of Nigel, the teenage son of a cousin. Nellie and Eli, homely a...Read more
October 23, 1969 • 30m
Walter and Lily, the Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman of Colne, have been together now for 24 years, and their marriage has always se...Read more
October 30, 1969 • 30m
Labour relations have always been good at Pledge's Purer Pickles; the last strike there was solved quite happily when Winston Chur...Read more
November 6, 1969 • 30m
Considering they're brother and sister, Nellie and Eli Pledge aren't the best of friends. Perhaps they never stop to find out what...Read more
November 13, 1969 • 30m
Hard times arrive at Pledge's Purer Pickles when a pirate pickler undercuts their prices. It's like the Depression all over again ...Read more
December 26, 1969 • 30m
Boxing Day at Pledge's Purer Pickles. The factory is quite. The last consingnment of special gift-wrapped gherkins for Christmas h...Read more