Season 1 (2003)

Episode 1

January 27, 2003 • 45m

As there is a wide spread of rumor saying that the ‘Dragon Ball’ is the vital support of the Tang Dynasty. The favourite concubine...Read more

Episode 2

January 28, 2003 • 45m

In the auction, LUTHER annoys YANG with his haughtiness. YANG puts the resentment in heart. PAK misunderstands SI is come from the...Read more

Episode 3

January 29, 2003 • 44m

BRIGETTE is awaken by LUTHER, when he swallowed the ‘Dragon Ball’. Since then, LUTHER becomes very powerful with the strength from...Read more

Episode 4

January 30, 2003 • 45m

In order to force YANG withdraw from the marriage engagement with ICY, SI requests LUTHER to follow YANG and find flaw on him. But...Read more

Episode 5

January 31, 2003 • 45m

ICY feels suspicious about the relationship between LUTHER and BRIGETTE and does not believe that they were lover. Hence, LUTHER t...Read more

Episode 6

February 3, 2003 • 45m

Because of the help of BRIGETTE, SI turns into famous with his dignified carriage. Meanwhile, BRIGETTE seeks for the assistance of...Read more

Episode 7

February 4, 2003 • 45m

Because of poorest, SI knows he is unqualified to flirt PAK’s daughter, ICY. Hence, he asks BRIGETTE to lend him the magic power i...Read more

Episode 8

February 5, 2003 • 45m

Before the mirror breaks into pieces, BRIGETTE can only see the half face of the real prince. LANG tries to convince BRIGETTE that...Read more

Episode 9

February 6, 2003 • 45m

SI fails to rob the treasury finally and blames BRIGETTE. LO discovers someone has exercised magic to turnaround the clock and sto...Read more

Episode 10

February 7, 2003 • 45m

Wu restores the right of Prince SI but she appreciates the abilities and intelligent of LUTHER , hence, appoints LUTHER to deal wi...Read more

Episode 11

February 10, 2003 • 45m

ICY intends to elope with LUTHER, but LUTHER refuses because he does not want to conflict with his brother, SI. Whilst, SI misunde...Read more

Episode 12

February 11, 2003 • 44m

LUTHER feels with despair, when ICY is going to marry SI soon. In the meantime, BRIGETTE feels suspicious about the reflection she...Read more

Episode 13

February 12, 2003 • 45m

In order to gain the trust from WU, SI takes out his sword against LANG. LANG is heart-broken, when SI denies their relationship. ...Read more

Episode 14

February 13, 2003 • 45m

When LUTHER arrives at the prison, CHEN is dead already. LUTHER feels deeply sorrow and swears to take revenge against LO. But WU ...Read more

Episode 15

February 14, 2003 • 45m

BRIGETTE and SI share their sorrows together by drinking heavily. SI also feels suspicious about WU and doubts identity. In fact, ...Read more

Episode 16

February 17, 2003 • 44m

BRIGETTE is beaten and vanished at last. Fortunately, LIN uses magic to let her reincarnated, but she loses her original appearanc...Read more

Episode 17

February 18, 2003 • 44m

Real WU discovers the conspiracy of LO, she is sorry for the upcoming tragedy and wants to bear the consequence that she had made ...Read more

Episode 18

February 19, 2003 • 45m

LO is excited to tell WU that with the power of ‘Dragon Ball’, she will be a human and enjoy a wonderful life soon. ICY is awaken ...Read more

Episode 19

February 20, 2003 • 44m

ICY swears to take revenge against LO, as LO killed her father, PAK. LUTHER creates an illusion of a cold, bleak weather in order ...Read more

Episode 20

February 21, 2003 • 45m

LO orders to kill LUTHER. Under such circumstances, ICY does not abandon LUTHER but support him without regret. Hence, SI sincerel...Read more