Season 1 (1994)

Thump Thump Shudder Shudder - The Dangerous Siblings!

May 27, 1994 • 30m

A city is under attack, its inhabitants fleeing in panic. In a temple somewhere nearby, a man is working on some type of spell. As...Read more

Nervous Nervous Sweat Sweat - Finals Are Scarier Than the Enemy!?

July 22, 1994 • 30m

A starkly lit, black and white scene depicts two men being throw headlong to the ground. Their enemy, Kijima Touta, turns and look...Read more

Ache Ache Pant Pant - The Stressful Final Battle!

October 7, 1994 • 30m

Sitting alone in her room, Hazumi sulks over her inability to protect Takumi and losing her sword. Her mother walks in and chastis...Read more

Shred Shred Crumble Crumble - There Are Many Different Ways of Winning!

November 25, 1994 • 30m

As the show opens, news helicopters are flitting around the giant, monolithic Gate, and a reporter's frantic voice can be heard tr...Read more