Season 1 (2006)

A Visit From Thomas

August 15, 2006 • 5m

Whilst digging the foundations for a new school, Oliver the Excavator unearths a dinosaur skeleton.

Jack Owns Up

August 15, 2006 • 5m

Jack knocks over some roofing slate. When Ned is blamed for the accident, will Jack do the right thing and own up to save his friend?

On Site With Thomas

August 15, 2006 • 5m

The Pack all argue about whose job is more important - including Patrick the Cement Mixer who ended up face-first in his own concrete.

Percy's Scary Tale

August 15, 2006 • 5m

Kelly tells a scary story about a one-eyed truck to the machines. Max and Monty tease everyone about it, but end up looking silly.

Kelly's Windy Day

August 15, 2006 • 5m

Kelly is blown over by strong winds which makes him nervous of working in windy conditions. Can he face up to his fear in order to save Isobella?

A Happy Day For Percy

August 15, 2006 • 5m

Byron the Bulldozer is tired of being ignored. He is later the centre of attention when he has to save Alfie.

A Tale For Thomas

October 2, 2006 • 5m

The Pack are repairing the Lightning Tree in Maithwaite Forest when Max and Monty run into it. The tree is about to collapse, but ...Read more

Thomas And The Moles

October 2, 2006 • 5m

Buster feels left out when he does not have any jobs to do. However, Miss Jenny discovers mole hills on a field and calls Buster to flatten them out.

Percy Helps Out

October 2, 2006 • 5m

Nelson is tired of his job of always having to carry the other machines and dreams to be carried himself.

The Tortoise And The Hare

October 2, 2006 • 5m

Max and Monty tease Buster about being slow and challenge him to a race.

Thomas' Trusty Friends

October 2, 2006 • 5m

Ned is disappointed when Oliver is given the chance to demolish buildings.

Alfie Has Kittens

October 2, 2006 • 5m

Alfie is depressed when the other machines tease him for being small. However, he learns that being small can be very useful.

Mud Glorious Mud

October 2, 2006 • 5m

The machines run out of fuel, so Isobella is sent to pick up some more. She does not like getting dirty, but is forced to go through muddy paddocks.