July 10, 2002 • 45m
Twelve new houseguests find their beds and quickly size up their competition.
July 11, 2002 • 45m
HoH Lisa is unsure of who to nominate for eviction.
July 13, 2002 • 45m
The First Power of Veto (POV) is played and the HOH & Nominees Get To Pick Who They Want To Play
July 17, 2002 • 45m
The PoV is used to save one nominee, and tensions begin to escalate in the house.
July 18, 2002 • 45m
After the first eviction of the season, a previously nominated houseguest wins HoH.
July 20, 2002 • 45m
Marcellus develops strong disdain for Josh bringing him to nominate Josh for eviction.
July 24, 2002 • 45m
Danielle wins the POV.
July 25, 2002 • 45m
Some houseguests begin to lose their temper as half the house is forced to eat PB&J For A Week.
July 27, 2002 • 45m
Josh and Marcellas make peace and the house has mixed reactions to Tonya's eviction.
July 31, 2002 • 45m
Danielle and Jason develop a tight bond and the houseguests play for the POV.
August 1, 2002 • 45m
The houseguest's debate on who to evict.
August 3, 2002 • 45m
With Gerry as the new HOH, some houseguests throw their mates under the bus.
August 7, 2002 • 45m
Jason wins a letter from home and the houseguests discuss what they miss most.
August 8, 2002 • 45m
The houseguest's bowl for HOH.
August 10, 2002 • 45m
Chiara makes a bold move with her nominations.
August 14, 2002 • 45m
Josh gives up on the game and immediately begins packing once nominated.
August 15, 2002 • 45m
A previously evicted houseguest returns.
August 16, 2002 • 45m
Despite being conscious of the omnipresent cameras, some of the HouseGuests sometimes forget that they're being filmed 24/7.
August 21, 2002 • 45m
Roddy, who quit the last HoH contest right after it began, is having regrets and blames his decision on feeling "nervous and sleep...Read more
August 22, 2002 • 45m
Danielle debates who to evict.
August 24, 2002 • 45m
Chiara's departure has hit the HouseGuests hard.
August 28, 2002 • 45m
Danielle questions Jason's motivations.
August 29, 2002 • 45m
Gerry may be facing his last day in the Big Brother house.
August 31, 2002 • 45m
Worried about repercussions from his nominations, Marcellas struggles with who he should nominate
September 4, 2002 • 45m
The past comes back to haunt amy.
September 5, 2002 • 45m
As the eviction draws near, Danielle wonders why the people nominated against Roddy turn themselves into "sacrificial lambs."
September 12, 2002 • 45m
Roddy's departure has outstanding effects on the rest of the house guests.
September 14, 2002 • 45m
Lisa suspects Jason and Danielle of setting up the vote.
September 18, 2002 • 45m
Still unaware of Jason's alliance with Danielle, Amy thinks he is making his own decisions.
September 19, 2002 • 45m
With Jason holding the only vote for eviction, he'll determine who goes to the Final Three in the House.
September 21, 2002 • 45m
Lisa confronts Danielle on her secret pact with Jason.
September 25, 2002 • 45m
The House guests get down to the business of selecting the winner of Big Brother 3. Everything is put on the table as the winner o...Read more