Big Brother 16 (2014)

Episode 1

June 25, 2014 • 45m

This season promises to be the most twisted summer ever as 16 new Houseguests move into the Big Brother house to compete for $500,000.

Episode 2

June 26, 2014 • 45m

Eight new Houseguests join the battle for $500,000, a second HoH is chosen, and Julie reveals the first member of Team America.

Episode 3

June 29, 2014 • 45m

Frankie and Caleb must decide which four houseguests to nominate for eviction. Plus, only one pair of nominees will be saved in th...Read more

Episode 4

July 2, 2014 • 45m

Devin becomes suspicious of Donny and convinces the Bomb Squad to go after the groundskeeper. Meanwhile, it's the first Power of V...Read more

Episode 5

July 3, 2014 • 45m

It's only been one week and twists have sent this game into overdrive! With alliances crumbling almost as fast as they form one th...Read more

Epsiode 6

July 6, 2014 • 45m

Which two houseguests will Amber and Devon nominate for eviction? Plus, which nominees will be saved in the battle of the block?

Epsiode 7

July 9, 2014 • 45m

With Amber dethroned as HoH, Devin is left ruler of the house. Plus a Bomb Squad Breakdown leads to a Veto Meeting explosion!

Epsiode 8

July 10, 2014 • 45m

Watch the repercussions of the Veto meeting. Plus, who will be evicted tonight?

Epsiode 9

July 13, 2014 • 45m

Nicole and Derrick decide which pairs of houseguests must compete in the Battle of the Block, and the nominees fight to avoid eviction.

Epsiode 10

July 16, 2014 • 45m

The power of Veto is up for grabs. Will the plan to backdoor Devin succeed?

Epsiode 11

July 17, 2014 • 45m

Tonight, Devin or Caleb will be evicted from the Big Brother House, and the battle to crown two Heads of Household begins. Plus, J...Read more

Epsiode 12

July 20, 2014 • 45m

Two new heads of household pit their nominees against each other in the Battle of the Block, and Team America gets a new mission.

Epsiode 13

July 23, 2014 • 45m

Tonight who will win the power of veto? Plus will head of household make a game changing move?

Epsiode 14

July 24, 2014 • 45m

A houseguest is evicted after Cody makes a nomination that leaves him torn between his own best interests and those his alliance. ...Read more

Epsiode 15

July 27, 2014 • 45m

Which two houseguests will Zach and Frankie nominate for eviction? Plus, the nominees fight for their lives in the battle of the block!

Epsiode 16

July 30, 2014 • 45m

Who will win the Power of Veto and will it be used to save one of the nominees? Plus, team America attempts to cause a blow up at the Veto meeting.

Epsiode 17

July 31, 2014 • 45m

Will Jocasta or Amber be evicted from The Big Brother House? Also, two new HoH's will be crowned!

Episode 18

August 3, 2014 • 45m

Tonight, two new Heads of Household will be crowned. Plus, four Houseguests compete in the most punishing Battle of the Block competition yet.

Episode 19

August 6, 2014 • 45m

Nicole considers a plan to flip the house and backdoor Frankie, while Zach and Jocasta vie for the Power of Veto.

Episode 20

August 7, 2014 • 45m

It's double eviction night as two Houseguests will be evicted by the end of the night. Plus, an evening full of surprises about to shake up the house!

Episode 21

August 10, 2014 • 45m

The fallout from the double eviction blows up the house, and two new Heads of Household have their nominees fight to survive in th...Read more

Episode 22

August 13, 2014 • 45m

With the house in turmoil, the veto is more important than ever. Plus, what will the Houseguests think when Frankie reveals all?

Episode 23

August 14, 2014 • 45m

Tonight, either Nicole or Donny will be evicted from the Big Brother house. Plus, Christine, Caleb and Frankie leave the house for...Read more

Episode 24

August 17, 2014 • 45m

Tonight Derrick and Frankie each nominate 2 people for eviction and the detonators are forced to resort to drastic measures. Plus,...Read more

Episode 25

August 20, 2014 • 45m

Will a Detonator become a new target? Plus, Zingbot is back and he brought Kathy Griffin to dish out the zing.

Episode 26

August 21, 2014 • 45m

Either Cody or Zach will be evicted, and the jurors battle to return to the Big Brother game!

Episode 27

August 24, 2014 • 45m

Nicole returns from the Jury House in a game-changing twist, and for the first time this season Houseguests compete to become the ...Read more

Episode 28

August 27, 2014 • 45m

Being on the block for the sixth time, can the Veto King pull off another miracle? Plus, a medical emergency rocks the Big Brother house.

Episode 29

August 28, 2014 • 45m

Will Donny's luck finally run out or will Nicole be evicted for a second time? Plus, the power is once again up for grabs in an ep...Read more

Episode 30

August 31, 2014 • 45m

With only seven houseguests remaining, a slippery and sloppy battle of endurance continues to see who will become the new Head of ...Read more

Episode 31

September 3, 2014 • 45m

With the odds stacked against her, can Nicole save herself at an explosive Veto competition? Plus, will the Puppet Master convince...Read more

Episode 32

September 4, 2014 • 45m

It's another double eviction night as either Nicole or Victoria's game come to an end. Plus, a brand new twist will be revealed.

Episode 33

September 7, 2014 • 45m

A new Head of Household is crowned, and two nominees are put on the block. Plus, Big Brother legends Jeff and Jordan return to the...Read more

Episode 34

September 9, 2014 • 45m

With Frankie safe, will The Hitmen use the Veto as an opportunity to turn on Beast Mode? And with the countdown looming, will thei...Read more

Episode 35

September 10, 2014 • 45m

A game-changing twist is revealed, a houseguest will be saved, and the game will be rewound! Also, past Big Brother winner Dan Gheesling guest stars.

Episode 36

September 14, 2014 • 45m

Tonight, with the "Rewind Twist", will winning HoH be deja vu for Frankie or will another houseguest rise to power. Plus, the juro...Read more

Episode 37

September 16, 2014 • 45m

It's a must win PoV for Frankie in this special eviction episode as one player wins HoH and another joins the jury.

Episode 38

September 17, 2014 • 45m

It's all about the final and most important Power of Veto competition of the season. Plus, another Houseguest will be evicted!

Episode 39

September 19, 2014 • 45m

The battle for the final head of household begins. Plus Cody, Derrick and Victoria celebrate the summer. Including some hilarious ...Read more

Episode 40 - Finale

September 24, 2014 • 45m

The season comes to a close and the final Head of Household, the winner of the $500,000 grand prize, and America's favorite Houseg...Read more