Season 8 (2019)

Episode 1

February 26, 2019 • 1h

Dog owner Louise brings her poorly westie Duffy to Boroughbridge where, assisted by his wife and colleague Anne, Julian Norton fac...Read more

Episode 2

March 5, 2019 • 1h

Peter Wright reflects on a much loved farming couple, Jean and Steve Green. They were married 40 years ago and are looking forward...Read more

Episode 3

March 19, 2019 • 1h

Julian gets the call that all vets fear - a young cow has had a baby and prolapsed her entire uterus. This is a rare and life-thre...Read more

Episode 4

March 26, 2019 • 1h

Julian is treating a pregnant ewe in distress when another animal on the same farm goes into labour, producing twins - one of whic...Read more

Episode 5

April 2, 2019 • 1h

With his wife and fellow vet Anne, Julian Norton heads out to see old friend Jacki Barlow on her alpaca farm, where one of the res...Read more

Episode 6

April 16, 2019 • 1h

Julian races to help a horse that has suffered a painful injury. Teal has a large gash on his neck, and owner Lisa has no idea how...Read more

Episode 7

April 23, 2019 • 1h

Peter rushes to an emergency lambing at Rolland Norris' farm. When he arrives, he realises a ewe has prolapsed while trying to giv...Read more

Episode 8

April 30, 2019 • 1h

Peter Wright is called out to help a 10-day-old calf that has been rejected by its other, while Julian Norton decides to perform a...Read more

Episode 9

May 7, 2019 • 1h

Julian Norton is called out to see a big bull with the largest abscess he has ever encountered. Julian has to lance and drain it, ...Read more

Episode 10

May 14, 2019 • 1h

Julian Norton and Peter Wright face long nights as they help two struggling animals give birth. Dudley the hedgehog is brought in ...Read more