Season 1 (2002)

The Birth of the Director

April 6, 2002

The dawn of the 20th century is changing the performing arts more than ever in its more than two thousand year history. Arthur Sch...Read more

Games of the Dictatorships 1933-45

April 14, 2002

Under the pressure of the totalitarian regimes of Stalinism and Fascism, theater artists in Spain, Russia and Germany increasingly...Read more

Looking back - theater between 1945 - 65

April 21, 2002

Germany is in ruins, but theater was played again in May 1945. People are looking for entertainment and moral edification. Under t...Read more

Business game or endgame - Brecht and Beckett

April 28, 2002

Bertolt Brecht and Samuel Beckett were the antipodes of the theater after 1945. As the last great poet of the Enlightenment, Brech...Read more

The Children of Marx and Coca Cola - The Theater of Revolt 1963-76

May 5, 2002

The Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, the revolts in Paris and Prague are creating new political awareness, leading to demons...Read more

Heroes of Postmodernism - The Theater Between Self-reflection and Crossing the Border 1970–2001

May 12, 2002

The theater at the end of the 20th century marginalized contemporary drama. But there are also exceptions: Thomas Bernhard's plays...Read more