Place of Birth
Also know as
(2006) Det trötta hatet
as ---
(2010) The Shiteaters
as (voice)
(2008) Bög, hora, döda allt!!!
as ---
(2006) Bögkompisen
as ---
(2008) Humanisten
as (voice)
(2006) Häxans förvandling
as (voice)
(2012) Jordens födelsedag
as (voice)
(2006) Korvarna
as (voice)
(2009) Lilla gubben som ville väl
as (voice)
(2006) Lägenhet på Sevedsplan
as (voice)
(1999) Mats Lundell
as ---
(2000) Misantropi
as ---
(2000) Rufus pappa
as ---
(2011) The Rainbow Fox
as (voice)
(2006) Pappa har talat
as (voice)
(2011) Vattnet väntar
as (voice)
(2007) Straffet
as (voice)
(2011) The Shadow Within Me
as (voice)
(2009) Vägen till vuxen
as (voice)
(2011) Ångesthunden 2
as (voice)
(2009) Trädflickan
as (voice)
(2002) And We Become Weightless
as ---
(2014) Corner Couch
as (voice)
(2014) Feed the Light
as Budbäraren
(2009) The Anxiety Hound
as Narrator
(2014) The Moonshiners' Ball
as Narrator
(2009) Kaninhoran
as Narrator (voice)
(2012) Fågeln med dödens ansikte
as ---
(2006) Mysigt på Möllan
as ---
Bra Ställen att hänga på, Bra Folk att känna i Malmö
as ---
(2012) The Pigfuckers' Village
as (voice)
(2004) Klivet ut i verkligheten
as Håkan
(2011) Faces of God
as Narrator (voice)