Day of death
1997/10/07 (76 years old)
Place of Birth
Belgrade, Serbia
Also know as
Янез Врховец
Janez Vrhovec was a Serbian actor. Vrhovec appeared in a number of Yugoslav and Serbian films, as well as many international productions, in a career spanning almost five decades.
(1969) A Bloody Tale
as Nemački kapetan
(1955) The Blood Road
as Vuk
(1960) The Battle of Austerlitz
as François II d'Autriche
(1965) Man Is Not a Bird
as Jan Rudinski
(1967) I Even Met Happy Gypsies
as Sudija za prekršaje
(1978) The Tiger
as Inspektor
(1977) The Dog Who Loved Trains
as Željezničar
(1976) The Beach Guard in Winter
as Šef orkestra
(1968) Gates to Paradise
as François
(1970) The Oppenheimer Case
as Thomas Morgan
(1971) A Trap for the General
as ---
(1963) Catherine of Russia
as ---
(1992) Happy Hell Night
as Father Cane
(1966) The Return
as Islednik Janez
(1962) Raindrops, Waters, Warriors
as (segment "Žive vode")
(1964) Prometheus from the Island of Viševica
as Mate Bakula
(1967) Before and After the Victory
as Vidan
(1967) The Knife
as Adam
(1967) The Restless Ones
as Nebojša
(1961) Enclosure
as Walter
(1967) Send a Man at Half Past One
as Mark Breton
(1967) Bloodshed at the Wedding
as Kuzman
(1973) The Dream of Dr. Mišić
as Dr Asbajer
(1953) Perfidy
as Kapetan pijanac
(1979) The Last Race
as Komentator
(1968) Doctor Homer's Brother
as ---
(1967) The Feast
as Kapetan Stojadinović
(1961) Boom Town
as Inženjer Plavšić
(1953) The Gypsy Girl
as Bledi mladić
(1981) Erogenous Zone
as Komšija u liftu
(1964) Yellow Devil
as ---
(1962) Sasha
as Uča
(1953) The Sun Is Far Away
as Nikola
(1965) Shoot and It Shall Open
as ---
(1962) The Triumph of Robin Hood
as John Lackland
(1960) Atomic War Bride
as Kapetan / Captain
(1977) The Verdict
as ---
(1957) Little Man
as Inspektor
(1965) Days of Temptation
as Gjorče Petrov
(1961) Adventure at the Door
as Liječnik u sanatoriju
(1971) The Last Stop
as ---
(1974) The Security Service Closes the Circle
as Doktor Polda
(1987) The Place of Meeting: Belgrade
as Newspaper Editor-in-Chief
(1963) Two Nights in a Day
as Komesar
(1968) A Nun and a Commissar
as Upravnik bolnice
(1974) The Oath
as ---
(1971) A Miracle
as Knez
(1968) The Trek
as Nemački oficir
(1983) Body Scent
as Lojze
(1973) The Flight of Dead Bird
as ---
(1956) In the Net
as Plašljivi ribar
(1967) Witness Out of Hell
as Doktor
(1958) The Good Sea
as Ribar Ložič
(1970) Requiem
as SS Officer
(1967) The Demolition Squad
as Partizanski ljekar
(1964) Vortex
as Vladimir
(1986) Heretic
as Ahac Thurn
(1959) Three Girls Named Ana
as Doktor pukovnik Stevo Ostojić
(1960) Fourteenth Day
as Službenik SUP-a
(1991) Eclipse
as ---
(1963) The Man in the Photograph
as Perović
(1955) Echelon of Doctor M
as Aljuš
(1974) Hell River
as Col. Hoffman
(1960) Love and Fashion
as Upravnik aero-kluba
(1991) The Serbian Girl
as ---
(1972) The Colonel's Wife
as Kapetan austrougarske vojske
(1969) The Betrayal
as Belgian Colonel
(1965) Lucia
as Zaplaznik
(1955) Solaja
as Komandir Prole
(1957) Little Things
as ---
(1963) Radopolje
as Predsednik opštine
(1955) Three Stories
as Irga
(1992) Deserter
as General Pogoretina
(1990) The Jailers
as Član prezidija
(1969) Murder Commited in a Sly and Cruel Manner and from Low Motives
as ---
(1975) Massacre at Noon
as Janko
(1975) Wonderful Dust
as ---
(1980) Transgression
as Voditelj
(1991) The Queen of Hearts
as Ivan
(1982) The Tenth Brother
as Judge
(1975) The Boy and the Violin
as Direktor dečjeg doma
(1972) The Burden
as Seoski beležnik
(1968) Heroin
as Ivo
(1961) Caroline of Rijeka
as Glasnik
(1967) Smoke
as Komandant logora
(1969) Low Tide
as ---
(1969) The Great Day
as Direktor
(1965) The Camp Followers
as ---
(1972) The Stars Are the Eyes of Warriors
as German Officer
(1973) The Battle of Sutjeska
as Radosav, komandant južne grupe
(1958) Tempest
as Sokolov
(1976) The Longest Journey
as Kadi Asket
(1985) It Isn't Easy to Get Along with Men
as Šef
(1970) Natural Boundaries
as Stari ratnik
(1973) Bread
as Govornik (voice)
(1957) The Wide Blue Road
as ---
(1961) Suleiman the Conqueror
as ---
(1960) Partisan Stories
as (segment "Crveni šal")
(1954) The Last Bridge
as Vlaho
(1983) The Igman March
as ---
(1968) Commandments for a Gangster
as ---
(1974) The Dervish and Death
as Dubrovčanin
(1959) Hit and Run
as Santelli
(1972) The Master and Margarita
as Kriticar Latunski
(1977) Dark Echoes
as Second fisherman
(1983) The Falcon
as Biskup
(1982) The Trojan Horse
as Ljekarnik Ružjak
(1980) Hot Wind
as Pupavac
(1974) The Written Off
as Ministar
(1969) The Crew of the Blue Seagull
as ---