2006/01/01 • Released • Japanese
A short animation made entirely by Voice Actor Takashi Taniguchi, the video gained popularity on the internet. A penguin named Ando protects the forest and its animal inhabitants from the evil humans (or the "cancer of the Earth" as one sign in The Animal House reads). However, some of the animals suspect that Ando himself may be a human.
Director : Takashi Taniguchi
From Another Angle
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October 16, 2015
Maledetto il giorno che t'ho incontrato
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Dead or Alive 2: Birds
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April 6, 1990
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth
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18 Years Later
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August 28, 1998
Into the Abyss
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The Presidio
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The Whole Ten Yards
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Some Guy Who Kills People
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The Jönsson Gang Turns Up Again
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Analyze That
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Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
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Mark of the Devil
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The Fighting Temptations
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Operation Napoleon
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March 3, 1989
February 25, 2009