Laulu sõber

Laulu sõber

1961/06/18 • Released • Estonian

1h 15m


Tõnu, student of agronomy, is a trainee at a flourishing collective farm. He finds out that there are many talented singers there among whom there is Malle with a specially beautiful voice. However, the local community club is closed and the singing ground has been turned into a pasture. Malle's father is the manager of the collective farm and considers singing a waste of time. When the collective farmers hear about Tõnu's conducting skills, they will act against the manager's will. The big song festival is going to be held soon and people want to go there. Preparations of the choir go well; however, the manager of the collective farm gives no permission to take part in the festival. Singers are losing their hope, but then comes a helping hand.

Director : Ilja Fogelman

Ilmar Tammur

Ilmar Tammur

Palk, kolhoosi esimees

Leili Jäärats

Mall, esimehe tütar, seatalitaja

Ramon Keppe

Kanarbik, üliõpilasest praktikant

Karl Kalkun

Karl Kalkun

Oskar Kallak, brigadir

Betty Kuuskemaa

Betty Kuuskemaa

Mari, Oskari ema

Aino Seep

Aino Seep

Linda, brigaderi naine

Eve Kivi

Eve Kivi

Aime, ajakirjanik

Valter Soosõrv

Valdeko Ratassepp

Valdeko Ratassepp

Jüri Järvet

Jüri Järvet

Ott Kuu, traktorist

Reet Krosman

Endel Nõmberg

Endel Nõmberg

Ljubov Aller

Jaan Saul

Laine Mesikäpp

Laine Mesikäpp

Juhan Viiding

Juhan Viiding

Oskari poeg


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